Brigid Brophy

Standard Name: Brophy, Brigid
Birth Name: Brigid Antonia Susan Brophy
Married Name: Brigid Antonia Susan Levey
Titled: Brigid Antonia Susan, Lady Levey
In the novel BB 's topics are social and sexual comedy. In non-fiction (essays, criticism, polemic) she pursued her interests in causes (often for the benefit of animals or writers), in opera and other arts, in deviant or nonconformist behaviour, and in individuals with a particular appeal to her. Late in her career, which spanned the second half of the twentieth century, came moving and clear-sighted writing on her multiple sclerosis. BB disliked and opposed the study of women's writing in isolation from that of men.


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Textual Production Nancy Cunard
This reached print only two years before a book on the same outrageously camp figure by a younger writer, Brigid Brophy . The British Library keeps its copy in the category of books likely to...
Textual Production Iris Murdoch
IM gave the manuscript to her friend Brigid Brophy , who later sold it for £500, with her approval, to the University of Iowa . A film company began shooting the story in 1962, but...


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