Cable, Mildred, and Francesca French. Something Happened. Hodder and Stoughton, 1933.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Cultural formation | Eleanor Farjeon | The influence of Denys Blakelock
seems to have been decisive in EF
's reception into the Catholic Church
in August 1951, not long after her honeymoon with the actor. This event, which she presented to... |
Cultural formation | Helen Waddell | Her father's death plunged the PresbyterianHW
into a crisis of religious faith and a conviction that the goodness of God was a myth. Hating the Puritanism in which she had grown up, its stress... |
Education | Elizabeth Shirley | Dorothy L. Latz is at pains to emphasise the importance for ES
of the thinking of such fellow Augustinians as (apart from St Augustine
himself), Gerard Grote
, Henry Suso
, Ruysbroeck
, Bernard of Clairvaux |
Education | Julian of Norwich | Julian of Norwich
may have been a learned woman; but if so it is not clear who taught her. She seems to have had a reading knowledge of Latin, and to have known the work... |
Education | Evelyn Underhill | She did not take advantage of her opportunity to study theology while at the Anglican foundation of King's, but became interested in religion through reading philsophy and poetry from her father's library. Plotinus
, St Augustine |
Education | Winefrid Thimelby | At the age of twelve she entered the school run by the English Augustinian Canonesses
at St Monica's
, at Louvain in present-day Belgium. Dorothy L. Latz
notes the influence on her of St Augustine |
Intertextuality and Influence | Mildred Cable | The first three chapters are devoted to each individual woman, while the fourth describes their coming together into a three-fold cord, which could not easily be broken. Cable, Mildred, and Francesca French. Something Happened. Hodder and Stoughton, 1933. 110 This image refers to a passage in... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Viola Meynell | Here VM
uses Saint Augustine
's view of human nature as depraved in order to explore the subtleties and ambiguities of intention. “Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC. 153 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Edith Mary Moore | The title-page quotes from Shakespeare
(What's past is Prologue) and Cicero
(That cannot be said too often which is not yet understood). Moore, Edith Mary. The Defeat of Woman. C.W. Daniel Co., 1935. prelims |
Intertextuality and Influence | Frances Lady Norton | FLN
's works, like the volume already published of Gethin, are very largely composed of quotations. Norton addresses this issue in The Applause of Virtue, in her prefatory To the Reader, which opens... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Julia O'Faolain | The title paraphrases one of the two epigraphs, in which St Augustine
maintains that separately . . . the woman herself alone is not the image of God: whereas the man alone is the image... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Winefrid Thimelby | Latz also finds her style to be poetic, reflecting the influence of mystics like St Augustine
and Ruysbroeck
(whose work was later translated and discussed by Evelyn Underhill
); Thimelby quotes and cites these two... |
Literary responses | Catherine Holland | |
Author summary | Winefrid Thimelby | Though the focus of her life was religion, the seventeenth-century WT
expressed in several genres an urge to write: pious meditations, lively familiar letters, and in all probability a long sequence of the annals of... |
Publishing | Hannah Arendt | HA
published with J. Springer
of Berlin her doctoral dissertation, Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin (in English Saint Augustine's Concept of Love). She dedicated it to Martin Heidegger
. Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Hannah Arendt. For Love of the World. Second Edition, Yale University Press, 2004. xlvii, 53, 77-8, 535 |
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