Sixty-four of ML
's short stories were published in magazines before most of them were collected in volumes. She was a frequent contributor to Atlantic Monthly, the Dublin Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, and...
Virginia Woolf
Both Virginia and Vanessa felt that they were uneducated, and VWfelt intellectually deprived, regretting all her life that she had never competed with other children.
Rosenbaum, S. P. “An Educated Man’s Daughter: Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group”. Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays, edited by Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy, Vision; Barnes and Noble, 1983, pp. 32-56.
She also, however, commented caustically on the advantage...
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
(Vanessa launched a parallel meeting for artists on Fridays: the Friday Club
.) VW
wrote that the Thursday evenings were the germ of all that has since come to be called—in newspapers, in novels, in...
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
The Hogarth Press
began publishing Freud in 1922, and continued through the following years, mainly through their highly successful production of the International Psycho-Analytical Library.
Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan, 1989.
72, 82
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
Virginia was thirteen: this death ended her childhood and provoked her first nervous breakdown. She said later that her mother's death was the greatest disaster that could happen,
Woolf, Virginia. Moments of Being. Editor Schulkind, Jeanne, Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press, 1976.
and she remained preoccupied by her...
Leisure and Society
Virginia Woolf
With Adrian Stephen, Duncan Grant
, Guy Ridley
, and Anthony Buxton
, she toured the premier battleship HMS Dreadnought impersonating the Emperor of Abyssinia and his entourage. Virginia was disguised as Prince Mendax (Latin...
Literary responses
Pat Barker
Hermione Lee
, reviewing this book for the Guardian Weekly, found PB
's style was sometimes jerky, and that some of the links back to the previous novel were clumsily made. But she applauded...
Literary responses
Susan Hill
Critic Hermione Lee
, reviewing the collection for the Guardian, praised SH
's tender attention to detail, and likened her to L. P. Hartley
and Elizabeth Bowen
Lee, Hermione. “Like Buttons in a Box”. Guardian Unlimited, 19 July 2003.
Literary responses
A. S. Byatt
A review by Hermione Lee
called this book a mosaic of texts, parodies, translations, allusions and fragmentary quotations. . . . an addict's book about the dangers of literary addiction.
Lee, Hermione. “Losing the Thread in the Labyrinth of Life”. Guardian Weekly, 8–14 June 2000, p. 18.
She found, however, its...
Literary responses
Doris Lessing
The following year she won the David Cohen British Literature Prize, which The Author called the best and most worthy of all literary prizes,
Parker, Derek. “On the Side”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2001– 2025, pp. 86-8.
and the year after that the Golden PEN
Award for...
Cather, Willa. On Writing. Editor Tennant, Stephen, Alfred A. Knopf, 1949.
H. L. Mencken
, however, thought this book still more competent, more searching and convincing, better...
Literary responses
Julia O'Faolain
This novel was short-listed for the Booker Prize. Hermione Lee
praised it in the Observer for presenting the inter-relationship between family and national history, while Robert Nye
in the Guardian called it one of the...
Literary responses
Anita Desai
Critic Hope Mary
describes these stories as delicately composed,
qtd. in
Choudhury, Bidulata. Women and Society in the Novels of Anita Desai. Nice Printing Press, 1995.
43 and n15
while Hermione Lee
judges them to be absolutely first-rate.
qtd. in
Choudhury, Bidulata. Women and Society in the Novels of Anita Desai. Nice Printing Press, 1995.
43 and n14
Literary responses
Virginia Woolf
Hermione Lee
likens the extraordinary impact of this juvenile work to that of an archaeological dig which reveals the rooms and furnishings and small ordinary objects of a legendary monarch, all as fresh as on...
Literary responses
Anne Enright
Hermione Lee
called this a rich, flamboyant, mannered book, written with condensed, self-conscious stylishness, dazzling with images and sensations and violence, and daring you to resist it from its first outrageous sentence. For her it...
No timeline events available.
Woolf, Virginia, and Hermione Lee. A Room of One’s Own; and, Three Guineas. Chatto and Windus; Hogarth Press, 1984.
Lee, Hermione. “All Reputation”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 20, pp. 19-20.
Lee, Hermione. “Estates of mind”. Guardian Unlimited.
Lee, Hermione et al. “Foreword”. Hyde Park Gate News. The Stephen Family Newspaper, edited by Gill Lowe and Gill Lowe, Hesperus Press, 2005, p. vii - x.
Lee, Hermione. “From the Margins: Hermione Lee on Penelope Fitzgerald”. The Guardian, pp. Review 1 - 3.
Lee, Hermione. “Like Buttons in a Box”. Guardian Unlimited.
Lee, Hermione. “Losing the Thread in the Labyrinth of Life”. Guardian Weekly, p. 18.
Lee, Hermione. “The Forgotten Waltz by Anne Enright—review”.
Lee, Hermione. “The greater truths of war”. Guardian Weekly, pp. 38-9.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.