Sir Edward John Poynter

Standard Name: Poynter, Sir Edward John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Lucas Malet
She later attended the Slade School of Art (where she was taught by Edward Poynter ) and at University College , London.
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black, 1897–2025, Many volumes.
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Kennedy
MK enjoyed a lifelong friendship with her cousin George Kennedy . George's father had been a student of the painter Edward Poynter , and George inherited an astute eye for the visual arts, becoming a...
Family and Intimate relationships Rudyard Kipling
One of Alice's sisters became a novelist and miscellaneous writer under her married name of Louisa Baldwin ; her husband was a wealthy manufacturer and their son Stanley Baldwin later became Prime Minister of Britain...
Family and Intimate relationships Louisa Baldwin
Louisa Macdonald married Alfred Baldwin at Wolverhampton in Staffordshire in a joint ceremony with her sister Agnes , who wed the painter and academician Edward Poynter .
Middlemas, Keith, and John Barnes. Baldwin: A Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1969.
Family and Intimate relationships Angela Thirkell
AT had more than one painter in her family: Sir Edward Poynter was her great-uncle.
Shattock, Joanne. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. Oxford University Press, 1993.
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
Her parents, who were the friends of many literary and artistic people, introduced her to an impressive social circle. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning , William Michael Rossetti , Thomas Hardy , Walter Pater ,...
Occupation Jean Rhys
After her abortion, JR went again to Blackmore 's to find a job in the theatre, and was given work as an extra in the movies that were just beginning to be made in England...


2 October 1871: The Slade School of Art was inaugurated as...

Building item

2 October 1871

The Slade School of Art was inaugurated as part of University College, London; the school was open to male and female students.
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.
Nunn, Pamela Gerrish. Victorian Women Artists. Women’s Press, 1987.
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