Agnes Poynter

Standard Name: Poynter, Agnes


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Louisa Baldwin
Louisa Macdonald married Alfred Baldwin at Wolverhampton in Staffordshire in a joint ceremony with her sister Agnes , who wed the painter and academician Edward Poynter .
Middlemas, Keith, and John Barnes. Baldwin: A Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
Family and Intimate relationships Rudyard Kipling
One of Alice's sisters became a novelist and miscellaneous writer under her married name of Louisa Baldwin ; her husband was a wealthy manufacturer and their son Stanley Baldwin later became Prime Minister of Britain...
Textual Production Louisa Baldwin
Critic Ina Taylor mentions as included in the same volume a memorial to LB 's sister Agnes , entitled Hail and Farewell (translation of the Latin elegiac phrase ave atque vale), whose text she...


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