Louise Creighton

Standard Name: Creighton, Louise


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Mary Augusta Ward
Along with Mrs Max Müller , Charlotte Byron Green (wife of Thomas Hill Green and sister of John Addington Symonds ), and Louise Creighton , MAW became a secretary of the Lectures for Women Committee
politics Mary Augusta Ward
It was with regard to women's rights that MAW 's increasing conservatism was most clearly marked: although she was a leading figure in the cause for advancing women's education, by the late 1880s she was...
politics Mary Augusta Ward
An organization formed by Louisa Hubbard and others to form links between various strands of women's charitable works, the NUWW had from its inception in 1895 sought to be non-political, but MAW 's friend...
Textual Production Marie Belloc Lowndes
MBL 's anonymous Sir Edward Grey, K. G. (a Liberal and then Foreign Secretary, later first Viscount Grey of Fallodon ), 1915, is in 2008 ascribed to her in the Bodleian Library but not in...


1899: The Church Congress included a session on...

Building item


The Church Congress included a session on The Training and Payment of Women Church Workers,
Heeney, Brian. “The Beginnings of Church Feminism: Women and the Councils of the Church of England, 1897-1919”. Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930, edited by Gail Malmgreen, Indiana University Press, pp. 260-84.
chaired by Louise Creighton , an active feminist and wife of the Bishop of London.

29 March 1917: The Life and Liberty Movement, founded and...

Building item

29 March 1917

The Life and Liberty Movement , founded and led by William Temple , met for the first time at St Martin's Vicarage in London.


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