Peter Ackroyd

Standard Name: Ackroyd, Peter


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Thomas Chatterton
His death was assumed to be suicide, and attained emblematic status as a response to blighted hopes in a world inimical to poetry. But in fact Chatterton had been publishing busily (mostly in periodicals) and...
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
Bertrand Russell offered them a place to live,.but then embarked on a romantic relationship with Vivien which lasted until they actually became lovers, after which it collapsed. TSE , thinks biographer Peter Ackroyd , may...
Fictionalization Mary Lamb
Her reputation has remained so enmeshed in that of Charles that until recently ML was often hidden in his shadow. Recent scholarly work, especially by Jane Aaron and Sarah Burton , has begun to remedy...
Friends, Associates Mary Boyle
According to Dickens 's biographer Peter Ackroyd , he followed up his initial meeting with MB by sending her cousinan extravagant missive of love about her . . . complete with a heart and...
Friends, Associates Frances Eleanor Trollope
In addition to her supportive professional relationship with her husband, FET was also close to other writers such as Charles Dickens , her brother-in-law Anthony Trollope , her mother-in-law Frances Trollope , and George Eliot
Literary responses Olivia Manning
Fellow-novelist Peter Ackroyd wrote about this book, I haven't often read battle scenes which come so immediately and horrifyingly to life. And yet they are presented neutrally and even blandly, as if the world were...
Literary responses Olivia Manning
Notable amid a chorus of praise for the two trilogies which make up OM 's Fortunes of War (often from fellow writers) was Anthony Burgess . He admired the work's gallery of characters and places...
Literary responses Agnes Strickland
Lives of the Queens of England was frequently reprinted with additions and revisions; the 1852 edition, regarded as definitive, was reprinted in 1972 with an introduction by the Stricklands' fellow-biographer Antonia Fraser . Fraser 's...
Reception Charles Dickens
With time Dickens has come to stand for a particular understanding of Victorian Britain. His biographer Peter Ackroyd says of him that it was his peculiar genius to represent, to bring together, more aspects of...


No timeline events available.


Ackroyd, Peter. “Behind the Book”. The London Library Magazine, No. 4, p. 11.
Ackroyd, Peter. Dickens. HarperCollins, 1990.
Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.