Sarah Stickney Ellis

Standard Name: Ellis, Sarah Stickney
Birth Name: Sarah Stickney
Married Name: Mrs Ellis
Styled: Mrs Sarah Ellis
Styled: Sarah Stickney Ellis
The prolific SSE , author of thirty-four books, was the most popular writer of Victorian conduct literature. Her four advice books addressed women in the burgeoning middle class; she also wrote novels, poems, and didactic short fiction.
Ogden, Daryl. “Double Visions: Sarah Stickney Ellis, George Eliot, and the Politics of Domesticity”. Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.
, No. 6, pp. 585-02.
One critic suggests that SSE may have been a key transitional figure in moving British literary tastes from the Romantics to the novels of domestic realism written from the 1840s.
Colby, Vineta. Yesterday’s Woman: Domestic Realism in the English Novel. Princeton University Press.
Schlueter, Paul, and June Schlueter, editors. An Encyclopedia of British Women Writers. Garland.
Generally, however, she is grouped with Mrs Beeton or the later writer Eliza Lynn Linton as purveying suffocating middle-class ideologies of womanhood. In The Women of England and its sequels she produced prescriptive anthropology—itself a bourgeois fantasy—of middle-class domesticity. Critics Karen Chase and Michael Levenson place her in the company of Dickens as one of the deep designers of the midcentury family imagination.
Chase, Karen, and Michael Levenson. The Spectacle of Intimacy: A Public Life for the Victorian Family. Princeton University Press.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Mary Ann Browne
Mary Anne Jevons included three poems by MAB in her little Liverpool publication The Sacred Offering. A Poetical Annual, 1834.
Jevons had launched this venture in 1831, and for the first two numbers all...
Education Caroline Frances Cornwallis
As someone who was mostly self-taught, CFC disapproved of ignorance in general. She disagreed with those who thought education should remain closed to the poor: it is an error, I am sure it is, to...
Intertextuality and Influence Grace Aguilar
The book seeks to provide a Jewish exposition of a woman's mission to match those provided Christians by writers such as Sarah Stickney Ellis .
Aguilar, Grace. The Women of Israel. D. Appleton and Company.
1: 8
GA argues against the view that [t]o Christianity...
Intertextuality and Influence Mrs Alexander
MA has therefore been seen as a New Woman novelist on the one hand and on the other as exemplifying the tenets of Victorian conduct writers such as Sarah Stickney Ellis . Her earlier fiction...
Intertextuality and Influence Geraldine Jewsbury
Possibly a response to Sarah Stickney Ellis 's restrictive conduct manual, The Wives of England, the novel also focuses on the woman question and the possibilities for women outside marriage.
Howe, Susanne. Geraldine Jewsbury: Her Life and Errors. George Allen and Unwin.
104, 106
GJ explains...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
As many recent commentators have remarked, such articulations of gender apparently align FPC with conservatives such as Sarah Stickney Ellis . For Cobbe, however, the difference she associated with femininity only heightened the need for...
Literary responses Sarah Lewis
Reviews were mostly favourable; the humour magazine Punch paid Woman's Mission the compliment of burlesquing it. Sarah Stickney Ellis praised it in her Mothers of England, 1843, the book which completed her series whose...
Literary responses Mary Sewell
Sarah Stickney Ellis remarked (rather censoriously and in a remarkable echo of fictional employers imagined by Samuel Johnson and by the servant-poet Elizabeth Hands ): I don't know that I should have liked it, if...
Literary responses Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
One of CET 's major contributions to industrial fiction lies in her taking the current view of women's domestic mission (promoted by Sarah Stickney Ellis and others) and yoking to it a sense of outrage...
politics Queen Victoria
Sarah Stickney Ellis deployed the image of the Queen to fuse together notions of queenly womanhood (as a virtue for the average woman to strive for) with that of the female sovereign. In The Women...
Textual Features Mary Anne Jevons
An anonymous preface dated from Liverpool in October 1830 said that this annual would not set out to rival more splendid ones: it would offer mostly devotional poems, and none that were not improving. MAJ
Textual Production Emily Faithfull
EF also published Mary Merryweather 's Experience of Factory Life.
Fredeman, William E. “Emily Faithfull and the Victoria Press: An Experiment in Sociological Bibliography”. The Library, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 139-64.
As a publisher she produced a high proportion of texts by female authors, including Frances Power Cobbe , Sarah Stickney Ellis , Louisa Twining
Textual Production Frances Notley
The anonymous three-volume novel Pique, A Tale of the English Aristocracy was probably FN 's first; its authorship was alluded to two years later on the title page of her Agatha Beaufort; or, Family Pride...


1831: Elizabeth Poole Sandford published the conduct...

Women writers item


Elizabeth Poole Sandford published the conduct bookWoman in Her Social and Domestic Character.

1835: The accession of a new ruler in Madagascar,...

National or international item


The accession of a new ruler in Madagascar, Queen Ranavalona , brought a violent campaign against the missionaries of the Methodist London Missionary Society , which had been active there since 1820.


Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Family Secrets, or, Hints to those who would Make Home Happy. Fisher, 1841.
Ellis, William. History of Madagascar. Editor Ellis, Sarah Stickney, Fisher, 1838.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Janet, One of Many. E. Faithfull, 1862.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Madagascar: Its Social and Religious Progess. J. Nisbet, 1863.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Pictures of Private Life. Smith, Elder, 1837.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. Social Distinction; or, Hearts and Homes. Tallis, 1849.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Daughters of England. Fisher, 1842.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Daughters of England. D. Appleton, 1842.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Home Life and Letters of Mrs. Ellis. J. Nisbet, 1893.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The House of Prayer. 1846.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney, editor. The Morning Call: A Table Book of Literature and Art. Tallis.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Mother’s Mistake. Houlston and Stoneman, 1856.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Mothers of England. Fisher, 1843.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Negro Slave. Harvey and Darton, 1830.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Poetry of Life. Saunders and Otley, 1835.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Sons of the Soil. Fisher, 1840.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. “The Sons of The Soil”. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, pp. 146-52.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Sons of the Soil, 1840.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Wives of England. Fisher, 1843.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Women of England. Fisher, 1839.
Ellis, Sarah Stickney. The Women of England. Cambridge University Press, 2010,
Ellis, Sarah Stickney et al. “The Young Hindoo”. The Missionary; or, Christian’s New Year’s Gift, edited by William Ellis.