Samuel Bamford

Standard Name: Bamford, Samuel


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Ann Hawkshaw
As the daughter of a dissenting clergyman, AH was born into an English, middle-class, and presumably white family. Her father's parents were described in one source as of respectable character and station, engaged in agricultural...
Friends, Associates Geraldine Jewsbury
She and her brother entertained such visitors as George Henry Lewes , dramatist Westland Marston , Italian exile and journalist Antonio Gallenga , manufacturer William Edward Forster , mechanical engineer Joseph Whitworth , poet and...
Friends, Associates Ann Hawkshaw
Sir John Hawkshaw was known to Elizabeth Gaskell 's circle. Samuel Bamford , the working-class Manchester radical and poet, mentions AH and praises her poetry in the preface to his Poems (self-published at Manchester in...
Literary responses Ann Hawkshaw
Later critical readings of Dionysius the Areopagite are rare. In Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics, Isobel Armstrong describes the title poem's ostensible story of Christian conversion as featuring a vision of an egalitarian...
Textual Features Geraldine Jewsbury
The novel begins with two orphans, John and Alice Withers, who spend their childhood in a workhouse. John grows up to work in the Lancashire cotton mills and takes an interest in factory machinery and...


No timeline events available.


Bamford, Samuel. Poems. Self-Published, 1843.