Thomas Campbell

Standard Name: Campbell, Thomas,, 1777 - 1844


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death George Gordon sixth Baron Byron
His body was brought back to England (contrary to his expressed wishes), where dissension arose over his funeral. His sister wanted it to be private and aristocratic, while public opinion (though not the establishment) wanted...
Education Anne Bannerman
William Beattie (biographer of Thomas Campbell ) said ABreceived an excellent education, and was highly accomplished.
qtd. in
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
He does not, however, particularise.
qtd. in
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
Friends, Associates Anne Bannerman
A friend who was crucial in AB 's career was Robert Anderson , editor of a famous poetry anthology and of the Edinburgh Magazine.
qtd. in
Elfenbein, Andrew. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. Columbia University Press, 1999.
Other important friends were John Leyden (linguist, poet, and...
Friends, Associates Anna Letitia Barbauld
Joanna Baillie , who lived near the Barbaulds in Hampstead, was one of ALB 's greatest friends. In Barbauld's later years her friends included Samuel Rogers , Madame D'Arblay , Eliza Fletcher (who first visited...
Friends, Associates Mary Russell Mitford
She wrote comments in letters about famous men, finding Thomas Campbella pretty little, delicate finical gentleman
qtd. in
Pigrome, Stella. “Mary Russell Mitford”. The Charles Lamb Bulletin, Vol.
, Charles Lamb Society, Apr. 1989, pp. 53-62.
who would look well in feminine dress and occupations, and William Wordsworth a venerable old man, delightfully...
Friends, Associates Maria Callcott
During the early years of her first marriage, between her time in India and in Italy, Maria Graham (later MC ) met Jane Marcet and the publisher John Murray .
Gotch, Rosamund Brunel. Maria, Lady Callcott, The Creator of ’Little Arthur’. J. Murray, 1937.
153-4, 166
Then or later...
Friends, Associates Agnes Strickland
They began to build a network of literary friends and potential supporters: Thomas Campbell , Robert Southey , Charles Lamb , editor William Jerdan , and even more helpfully women like Barbara Hofland , Jane
Friends, Associates Anne Grant
Among AG 's acquaintances in her later years were Felicia Hemans and Thomas Campbell .
Paston, George, and George Paston. “Mrs. Grant of Laggan”. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century, E. P. Dutton, 1901, pp. 237-96.
Among those who praised her acute mind and generous nature were Edward Topham , John Gibson Lockhart .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Margaret Holford
Holford seems to have cared about making influential friends, and succeeded in doing so although she lived in the provinces. She established a correspondence with Sir Walter Scott , and although their relationship got off...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Ann Kelty
The book bears in various details the influence of Jane Austen , though its overall project of pious didacticism is at odds with Austen's approach. The title-page quotes Rousseau on the topic of the sensitive...
Intertextuality and Influence Isabella Lickbarrow
Several poems address national political issues, and most of those in this volume express a hatred of war, usually from the point of view of bereaved women. Written at the commencement of the year 1813...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Arabella Rowden
An advertisement (dated 13 April 1810) promises to delineate not only friendship's pleasures but all the great and heroic deeds inspired by it.
Rowden, Frances Arabella. The Pleasures of Friendship. A Poem. 1810.
Even love consists of friendship, when it is abstracted from the...
Literary responses Jane Porter
JP 's use of historical figures and her descriptions of the Kościuszko Uprising of 1794 made many readers suppose that the first volume especially was history, not fiction. A friend of the family felt sure...
Literary responses Joanna Baillie
The Eclectic Magazine raised her confidence about her Scots songs by pronouncing that she was easily the equal in the genre of Scott or Campbell , and inferior only to Burns himself.
Baillie, Joanna. “Introduction”. The Selected Poems of Joanna Baillie, 1762-1851, edited by Jennifer Breen, Manchester University Press, 1999, pp. 1-25.
Publishing Marguerite Gardiner Countess of Blessington
It is a point of debate among scholars whether Blessington saw and used the memoirs of himself which Byron wrote but later burned.
Blessington, Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of. “Introduction”. Conversations of Lord Byron, edited by Ernest J., Jr Lovell, Princeton University Press, 1969, pp. 3-114.
Later editions include those of 1893 and 1969 (the former mangles...


27 April 1799: The Irish poet Thomas Campbell, aged twenty-one,...

Writing climate item

27 April 1799

The Irish poet Thomas Campbell , aged twenty-one, published a poem entitled The Pleasures of Hope (on the model of The Pleasures of Memory by Samuel Rogers , 1792).
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

3 December 1800: At Hohenlinden in Bavaria the French imperial...

National or international item

3 December 1800

At Hohenlinden in Bavaria the French imperial army and its Bavarian allies inflicted defeat on the Austrians: a battle commemorated by the poet Thomas Campbell and the novelist Jemima Tautphoeus .
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.


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