Desiderius Erasmus

Standard Name: Erasmus, Desiderius


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Catherine Cookson
As a young adult CC took on her own education. With varying degrees of success she studied grammar, elocution, French, and the violin. She also discovered the public library. Colleagues at work got her to...
Education Margaret Roper
The learning of the family, especially of the girls, was complimented by Erasmus and by Juan Luis Vives . The former included in his Colloquies, printed in 1524, a dialogue between a learned woman...
Education Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
St Leonard's emphasized intellectual, physical, and domestic development; girls were allowed the freedom of unsupervised daily walks. At this school Margaret learned to debate the merits of Erasmus , Martin Luther , and Sir Thomas More
Friends, Associates Katherine Parr
Following King Henry VIII's death, a group of Protestant women including Anne Seymour , Mildred Cecil , and Catherine Brandon (Duchess of Suffolk) rivalled KP as female champions of the new religion and the new...
Friends, Associates Margaret Roper
As a child Margaret knew at least by correspondence some of the most distinguished men in Europe, including her father's friend Desiderius Erasmus , who chose her as the dedicatee of his Commentary on the...
Occupation Katherine Parr
KP supervised and pushed forward a collective translation into English from Erasmus 's Latin paraphrase of the New Testament.
Devereux, Edward James. “The Publication of the English Paraphrases of Erasmus”. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol.
, 1969, pp. 348-57.
Author summary Margaret Roper
MR , though she is still known to history primarily as her father's daughter, was celebrated during her early-sixteenth-century lifetime for her letters and her translation of a theological treatise by Desiderius Erasmus .
Textual Features Julia Pardoe
Earnest is faced with the choice between the love of the maiden and the love of the Muse.
Pardoe, Julia. “The Poet of Prague”. Fraser’s Magazine, Vol.
, 1845, pp. 106-15.
The orphaned protagonist desired a liberal education rather than the pursuit of wealth, to the great...
Textual Features Lady Jane Lumley
Young though LJL was, her play (written for a domestic audience of readers, possibly of spectators) participated in the intellectual debates of its time. She worked from an edition of the original Greek, published in...
Textual Features Anne Manning
As narrator, Margaret More, later Roper , has to negotiate (without forfeiting her claim to womanly modesty) the communication of her fame in her own lifetime for her erudition and for her heroic courage at...
Textual Features Jean Plaidy
The first addresses the ever-fascinating question of how a girl-child whom nobody wanted could have developed into a potential queen regnant. The latter, called a moving account of a moving tragedy, takes the classic view...
Textual Production Margaret Roper
Margaret Roper 's A Devout Treatise upon the Pater Noster (a translation of Precatio dominica in septem portiones distributa by Erasmus ) appeared anonymously, in a first edition which seems not to survive.
British Library Catalogue.
McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Margaret More Roper: The Learned Woman in Tudor England”. Women Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Katharina M. Wilson, University of Georgia Press, 1987, pp. 449-80.


1508: Desiderius Erasmus, while staying with Sir...

Writing climate item


Desiderius Erasmus , while staying with Sir Thomas More on his second visit to England, wrote his Encomium Moriae (also known as In Praise of Folly), which was published the following year.
Guthkelch, Adolph Charles, and Sir Thomas More. “Note; Introduction”. Utopia, edited by George Sampson and George Sampson, G. Bell and Sons, 1914, p. v - vii; xi-xxv.

About September 1521: Erasmus reported his approval of his friend...

Building item

About September 1521

Erasmus reported his approval of his friend Thomas More 's action in giving his whole household an education in good literature
Erasmus, Desiderius. Collected Works of Erasmus. Editors Schoeck, Richard J. and Beatrice Corrigan, University of Toronto Press, 1974–2025, 84 vols.
8: 297
(females equally with males).
Erasmus, Desiderius. Collected Works of Erasmus. Editors Schoeck, Richard J. and Beatrice Corrigan, University of Toronto Press, 1974–2025, 84 vols.
8: 294-9

March 1524: Erasmus's Abbatis et Eruditae was published...

Building item

March 1524

Erasmus 's Abbatis et Eruditae was published in his Colloquies.
Barbour, Paula L., and Bathsua Makin. “Introduction”. An Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Gentlewomen, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1980, p. iii - xi.
Erasmus, Desiderius. Collected Works of Erasmus. Editors Schoeck, Richard J. and Beatrice Corrigan, University of Toronto Press, 1974–2025, 84 vols.
39: 499

August 1526: Erasmus published his De Matrimonio Christiano,...

Building item

August 1526

Erasmus published his De Matrimonio Christiano, an account of the kind of marriage relation (with the wife as partner, but junior partner) later favoured by the Puritans.
Halkin, Léon-Ernest. Erasmus: a critical biography. Translator Tonkin, John, Blackwell, 1993.

1538: Royal Injunctions appeared: a radical, Erasmian...

Building item


Royal Injunctions appeared: a radical, Erasmian document whose first provision was that an English bible should be made available in every parish church.
Powell, Ken, and Chris Cook. English Historical Facts: 1485-1603. Macmillan, 1977.
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “How good is it?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, 3 Feb. 2011, pp. 20-2.
Smyth, Adam. “23153.8; 19897.7; 15635”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 16, 27 Aug. 2015, pp. 37-9.

July-October 1859: Charles Reade's historical sensation novel...

Writing climate item

July-October 1859

Charles Reade 's historical sensation novel The Cloister and the Hearth was serialised as A Good Fight in Once A Week.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.
133, 523


Erasmus, Desiderius. A Devout Treatise upon the Pater Noster. Translator Roper, Margaret, Thomas Berthelet.
Erasmus, Desiderius. Collected Works of Erasmus. Editors Schoeck, Richard J. and Beatrice Corrigan, University of Toronto Press, 1974, 84 vols.