Jacques Lacan

Standard Name: Lacan, Jacques


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Luce Irigaray
LI earned another doctorate, this time in Philosophy and Arts, on 1 October 1974, when she graduated from the recently-established University of Paris VIII at Vincennes. Her third thesis, Speculum de l'autre femme...
Family and Intimate relationships Michèle Roberts
Later, back in England, a sexually fulfilling but intellectually enraging affair with another colleague (a sociologist whose reading of Lacan had convinced him that women have no real self or desire) helped MR to become...
Friends, Associates Hélène Cixous
HC was a close personal friend of Jacques Derrida — who, like her, was a French citizen and a Jew born in Algeria.
“Columbia University Press advertisement for Hélène Cixous, ’Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint’, translated by Beverley Bie Brahic”. London Review of Books, p. 21.
She was introduced to Jacques Lacan while her doctoral thesis was...
Health Michèle Roberts
In her late twenties, under the strains of alienation from her family, her affair with a misogynist Lacan ian, her struggle to express her social and political anger, she started seeing a therapist. She found...
Intertextuality and Influence Simone de Beauvoir
The second part of her first section, Facts and Myths, draws valuably on analysis of male writers. SB reads Stendhal as decidedly feministic:
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Translator Parshley, H. M., Jonathan Cape.
he not only values liberty but accepts it as...
Intertextuality and Influence Christine Brooke-Rose
This was her last novel published by Raleigh Trevelyan of Michael Joseph —who was, she believed, fired with a golden handshake for accepting it.
Brooke-Rose, Christine. Invisible Author: Last Essays. Ohio State University Press.
Her choice of title was over-ruled because her publisher mistakenly...
Intertextuality and Influence Luce Irigaray
This book is made up of discrete pieces published in various books and journals between 1973 and 1976. They include critique of intellectual fathers like Freud and Lacan , analysis of the relationship between language...
Literary responses Christine Brooke-Rose
Thru was her own favourite among her novels, but she said it was also the one that even [her] fans get most wrong, not because of the typographical difficulty but because they ignore the explanations...
Literary responses Rosalind Coward
Four years after its publication, a reviewer for Contemporary Sociology called this book the best available introduction in the English language to the semiotic structuralism of Saussure , Lévi-Strauss , and Lacan ; the structural...
politics Luce Irigaray
While teaching at the University of Paris VIII at Vincenness, LI was affiliated with the École Freudienne of Paris, a Lacan ian body of psychoanalytic professionals. At the same time, she was actively involved...
Author summary Hélène Cixous
HC , a French writer and academic, is best known to English-speaking audiences as a literary critic associated with French feminism of the 1970s and 80s, and as proponent of écriture féminine. She herself...
Reception Julia Kristeva
According to Eric Homberger in the Times Literary Supplement, the Sociology of Literature Conference held at the University of Essex was dominated by the names of Lacan , Derrida , and Kristeva .
Homberger, Eric. “The Class of Lacan”. Times Literary Supplement, p. 854.
Textual Features Luce Irigaray
Its controversial element was the way it merged gender politics with established psychoanalytic theory. It probes the problematic relation between women as speaking subjects and language as a patriarchal institution.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
LI argues that Western man-centred...
Textual Features Julia Kristeva
This is very largely a book about psychoanalytical issues: its first section, The Clinic, consists largely of case histories, whose interpretation is Lacan ian. Here JK defends the full-scale practice of psychoanalysis as opposed...


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