Harriet Lady Hesketh

Standard Name: Hesketh, Harriet,,, Lady


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Judith Cowper Madan
Ashley Cowper (1701-6 June 1788), another lawyer, preserved the family poetry archive. Of Ashley's daughters, Theodora or Theadora and Harriet (later Lady Hesketh) were successively involved, as beloved and as friend, with the poet William...
Friends, Associates William Cowper
Notable among Cowper's other friends were the Rev John Newton (a former slave-trader who since his conversion had become a hellfire Evangelical preacher), Lady Austen (who set him the writing task commemorated in the title...
Friends, Associates Catherine Fanshawe
CF 's friends included other highly literate middle-class women such as Mary Berry and Anne Grant in Edinburgh. (Her friendship with Grant was maintained entirely by correspondence—she and her sisters hoped to visit Edinburgh in...
Material Conditions of Writing Catherine Fanshawe
In 1793, William Cowper 's friend Lady Hesketh sent CF a poem of Cowper's, with the request that she should not copy or circulate it. CF learned it by heart, then sent back the original...
Textual Production Catherine Fanshawe
In 1793 CF corresponded with William Cowper 's friend Lady Hesketh , and through her, with Cowper himself. Mary Russell Mitford concurs in calling CF an excellent letter-writer.
Mitford, Mary Russell. Recollections of a Literary Life; or, Books, Places and People. R. Bentley, 1852, 3 vols.
1: 251


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