Sir John Collings Squire

Standard Name: Squire, Sir John Collings
Used Form: J. C. Squire


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Naomi Royde-Smith
NRS was a close friend of Rose Macaulay , with whom in the immediate postwar period she shared entertaining duties at her flat, in something similar to a salon. They apparently met through Macaulay contributing...
Literary responses Romer Wilson
In her diary on 3 May 1921, Virginia Woolf , who had not yet read the novel, accurately predicted that it would win the Hawthornden Prize. Six days later, she recorded her disappointment in it:...
Literary responses Virginia Woolf
Orlando set a new level in VW 's public reputation. The usual polarization of reviews was represented by J. C. Squire in The Observer calling it a very pleasant trifle that would entertain the drawing-rooms...
Literary responses Alice Meynell
Critic J. C. Squire (known for his anti-modernist stance) praised AM 's extraordinarily sensitive heart and . . . perfectly balanced brain.
Badeni, June. The Slender Tree: A Life of Alice Meynell. Tabb House.
She was delighted to get reviews that would boost sales of her book.
Badeni, June. The Slender Tree: A Life of Alice Meynell. Tabb House.
Literary responses Vita Sackville-West
The enthusiastic review by J. C. Squire was not entirely welcome to VSW , since she regarded Squire as a silly old ass and all that.
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.
She feared being relegated to the category of...
Literary responses Dorothy Whipple
DW 's mother and siblings cried over the text of her childhood autobiography, remembering old days.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
J. C. Squire praised the book in the Daily Telegraph and Evelyn Waugh in The Spectator wrote that...
Publishing Vita Sackville-West
VSW contributed poems to J. C. Squire 's London Mercury and to Georgian Poetry, 1922-23, edited by Edward Marsh .
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.
117, 125
Reception Mathilde Blind
Despite her very high reputation, particularly as a poet, in her own day, MB quickly disappeared from the literary horizon following her death. Disregard of the political aspects of her poetry led to serious misreading...
Reception Edith Sitwell
Wheels made ES the enemy, as she intended, of John Squire and other supporters of the Georgian style of poetry (whom she and her brothers saw as unforgivably complicit in a dishonest glorifying of the...
Textual Production Vita Sackville-West
The first idea for a poem about farming and country labour (The Land) came to VSW when J. C. Squire casually remarked on the dearth of poetry about working life.
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.


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