Anne Damer
Standard Name: Damer, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Seymour Conway
Married Name: Anne Damer
, who won high critical praise as a sculptor, also wrote poetry and kept journals. She left one definitely and one possibly identified novels, and a series of linked fictional pieces, all published in the early nineteenth century.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Lady Charlotte Bury | Another first cousin was novelist and sculptor Anne Damer
. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mary Berry | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mary Berry | Anne Damer
acted as supporter and confidante of each, and freely interpreted O'Hara's feelings and actions to MB
. He for his part became close to Damer and anxious that Berry at this turning point... |
Friends, Associates | Isabella Kelly | Her friends or perhaps patrons included General Henry Seymour Conway
(father of the writer-sculptor Anne Damer
) and his whole family. Kelly, Isabella. A Collection of Poems and Fables. Richardson, 1794. 39-40 |
Friends, Associates | Maria Callcott | In Richmond and elsewhere MC
met emigrés fleeing the French Revolution. She also met a number of women who wrote: Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
, Mary
and Agnes Berry
, and Anne Damer
. In... |
Friends, Associates | Mary Berry | The Berrys met Walpole
in winter 1787-8, some months before July 1788, when they settled at Twickenham Common, close to his gothic mansion, Strawberry Hill. Berry, Mary. Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry. Editor Lewis, Lady Theresa, Longmans, Green, 1865, 3 vols. 1: 150 |
Friends, Associates | Mary Berry | Despite her relative poverty, MB
moved easily in circles of the great and the good. Her closest friends were Anne Damer
(whose death in 1828 was a terrible loss), Joanna Baillie
(whom in 1831 she... |
Leisure and Society | Mary Berry | Anne Damer
, who broke new ground for women by her serious pursuit of a career as a sculptor, on 6 December 1793 completed a terracotta bust of MB
(now in the National Portrait Gallery |
Performance of text | Joanna Baillie | JB
wrote an epilogue to a play by Anne Damer
, which was spoken by Damer at a performance of her work at Strawberry Hill. Baillie, Joanna. “Editorial Materials”. The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie, edited by Judith Bailey Slagle, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999, pp. ix - xiv, 1. 25 |
Publishing | Hannah Brand | It was printed at Norwich and sold through London publishers. The subscription list was impressive, including Anna Letitia Barbauld
, John Brand (presumably HB
's brother) of Hemingston Hall in Suffolk, who took twenty copies... |
Publishing | Helen Maria Williams | The Poems were in two volumes, with HMW
's name in full, published by Rivington and Marshall
, with an engraved frontispiece drawn by Maria Cosway
. Subscribers included the Prince of Wales
(whose name... |
Publishing | Regina Maria Roche | The work bears a dedication, dated at London on 10 April 1828, to Princess Augusta Sophia
. Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols. 2: 671 |
Publishing | Eliza Parsons | She gave her name as Mrs. Parsons on the title-page and signed the dedication with both her names. Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols. 1: 512 |
Publishing | Elizabeth Hands | The advertisement for the book in print, like the pre-notification, was carried by Jopson's Coventry Mercury. The volume was dedicated to the dramatist Bertie Greatheed
. It was issued in two forms: ordinary copies... |
Textual Features | Mary Berry | The plot exposes false female friendship in the person of Lady Selina Vapour (played by Damer
). Lady Selina is capricious, and bored when alone with Mrs Lovell (played by MB
). Scholar Andrew Elfenbein |
1 April 1789: Hester Lynch Piozzi (a propos reports about...
Building item
1 April 1789
Hester Lynch Piozzi
(a propos reports about Marie Antoinette
) indignantly recorded what she presents as if it was her first encounter with lesbianism.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin, 1973.
Damer, Anne. Belmour. Joseph Johnson, 1801, 3 vols.
Damer, Anne. Journal of the Heart. Editor Bury, Lady Charlotte, H. Colburn, 1830.
Damer, Anne. Letters of Miss Riversdale. Joseph Johnson, 1803, 3 vols.