June Jordan

Standard Name: Jordan, June


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Adrienne Rich
AR 's colleagues at City College and within the SEEK program included Toni Cade Bambara , June Jordan , Larry Neal , and Robert Cumming . Her thinking and teaching also began to be influenced...
Friends, Associates Alice Walker
AW made several new writer friends during her Mississippi years. Both Giovanni and Jordan visited her.
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton.
198, 199-201
At the end of this time she again reconnected with Diana Young .
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton.
Friends, Associates Alice Walker
This job cemented her friendship with Gloria Steinem . Later, after her divorce, AW and June Jordan started The Sisterhood, a group of black women, artists of one kind of another, who met regularly for...
Intertextuality and Influence Phillis Wheatley
PW 's work proved both immediately and lastingly compelling for other black American writers, of whose tradition she was the progenitor. Jupiter Hammon , the first of his race to publish in America, addressed his...
Intertextuality and Influence Adrienne Rich
AR writes here on June Jordan , Audre Lorde , Muriel Rukeyser , and Wallace Stevens , among others. She reiterates her passionate belief in the links between poetic, personal, and social consciousness and activity:...
Intertextuality and Influence Alice Walker
The opening words of the title are quoted from June Jordan . The opening words of the text, more surprisingly, come from Dickens : It is the worst of times. It is the best of...
Occupation Alice Walker
She supplemented her Radcliffe Institute writing fellowship (worth $5,000, awarded for a year and extended for a second year) by teaching at Wellesley College .
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton.
218, 222, 225
There her course on black women writers...
Textual Features Adrienne Rich
As in other texts, Rich's concerns here are significantly though not exclusively feminist. The first poem in the book, Orion, addresses the well-known hunter constellation as my fierce half-brother: he burns for all...
Violence Alice Walker
It was dangerous for a mixed couple to live there, and they protected themselves with guns and a dog.
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton.
154, 156-8
June Jordan remarked on the danger surrounding them: It was like being clinically insane...


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