William Benjamin Carpenter

Standard Name: Carpenter, William Benjamin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships James Malcolm Rymer
JMR married his second wife, Sarah Rebecca (1824-1909). She was a former governess and the daughter of well-known Chartist and journalist William Carpenter .
Collins, Dick. “James Malcolm Rymer (1814 - 1884)”. The Literary Encyclopedia, 18 June 2008.
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Ada Byron
In 1843 AAB and her husband hired Dr William Carpenter (later a famous physiologist) to tutor their children. Ada and Carpenter were soon affectionate friends, and Carpenter offered to compensate for her increasingly unhappy marital...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Carpenter
MC 's brothers became known as the naturalist William Benjamin Carpenter , the writer Russell Lant Carpenter (who wrote memoirs of his father which MC abridged), and the conchologist Philip Pearsall Carpenter , who died...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
This provoked a reply from FPC 's former ally William Carpenter , who identified her as the author and criticised her pronouncements on science as uninformed, implying that her judgement was not being led by...
Publishing Antoinette Brown Blackwell
ABB crossed swords again with Herbert Spencer and William Benjamin Carpenter in The Alleged Antagonism between Growth and Reproduction, an article in Popular Science Monthly.
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. “The Alleged Antagonism between Growth and Reproduction”. Popular Science Monthly, Vol.
, No. 5, 1 Sept. 1874, pp. 606-10.
Travel Mary Carpenter
She had expressed excited anticipation about every stage of this journey, from the first stages of it: travelling to Paris with her brother William , then through the Mediterranean past the Holy Land. (Though...


21 April 1869: The Metaphysical Society was founded; women...

Building item

21 April 1869

The Metaphysical Society was founded; women were excluded.
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press, 2004.


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