Hannah Mary Rathbone

Standard Name: Rathbone, Hannah Mary
Birth Name: Hannah Mary Reynolds
Married Name: Hannah Mary Rathbone
Pseudonym: A Lady
Pseudonym: H. M. R.
HMR was an early Victorian anthologist, poet, novelist, memoirist, and religious writer, who also contributed to periodicals.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Fage
MF 's husband, described on her title-page as Robert Fage the younger, has been associated with the Sussex family of Fages. Scholar Betty Travitsky , however, believes that he was probably a cousin, a Robert Fage
Family and Intimate relationships Eleanor Rathbone
ER 's forebear Hannah Mary Rathbone published across a range of genres, mostly religious.
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Manning
There was a precedent for this kind of faux-historical document (which the Athenæum reviewer, Henry Fothergill Chorley , at once picked up on): Hannah Mary Rathbone 's The Diary of Lady Willoughby, 1844.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1215 (1851): 166
Literary responses Grace Elliott
The Times, reviewing GE 's journals on their first appearance, expressed excitement about so extraordinary a text and respect for its author's abilities, together with some scepticism about its genuineness. How, it asked, could...
Literary responses Anne Manning
This book brought AM great success, and she continued throughout her career to identify herself as its author. Henry Fothergill Chorley , reviewing it for the Athenæum two years after publication, said mutedly that it...
Textual Production Clara Balfour
In a more light-hearted producton, Confessions of a Decanter, published with illustrations but without a date in 1862,
Stuart Bennett Rare Books & Manuscripts: A Catalogue of Books By, For, and About Women of the British Isles, 1696-1892. Stuart Bennett Rare Books & Manuscripts.
the decanter follows in a tradition of stories told by inanimate objects (often coins). Hannah Mary Rathbone


No timeline events available.


Rathbone, Hannah Mary, editor. A Selection from the Poets. Harvey and Darton, 1840.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary, editor. Childhood. Darton and Harvey, 1841.
Reynolds, Richard. Letters of Richard Reynolds. Editor Rathbone, Hannah Mary, Charles Gilpin, 1852.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. Life’s Sunshine. 1850.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The Diary of Lady Willoughby. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The Diary of Lady Willoughby. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The Diary of Lady Willoughby. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1873.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The History of a Prayer Book. Deighton and Laughton; Seeley, 1848.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary, editor. The Poetry of Birds. George Smith, 1833.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The Strawberry Girl. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1858.
Rathbone, Hannah Mary. The Way to Make Home Comfortable. Grapel; Darton and Harvey.