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Socialist Book Centre
Socialist International
Socialist League
Socialist Party
Société de secours aux blessés militaires
Société des Amis de la Constitution
Société des amis des noirs
Société des Conférences
Société des Etudes Staëliennes
Societé Européene de Culture
Société Fraternelle des Deux Sexes
Societies for the Reformation of Manners
Society for Befriending Young Servants
Society for Clothing the Infant Poor
Society for Constitutional Information
Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress
Society for Cutting Up Men
Society for Distributing Religious Tracts among the Poor
Society for Educating Clergymen's Daughters
Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Society for Lectures on the New Learning
Society for Photographing Relics of Old London
Society for Printing and Publishing the Works of Swedenborg
Society for Promoting Arts
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Society for Promoting Female Education in the East
Society for Promoting Industrial Villages
Society for Promoting the Conversion of the Jews
Society for Promoting the Employment of Women
Society for Promoting the Return of Women as Poor Law Guardians
Society for Promoting Women to all Local Government Bodies
Society for Protection of Unborn Children
Society for Psychiatry and Neurology
Society for Psychical Research
Society for Sick Children
Society for Staël and Coppet Group Studies
Society for Superseding Climbing Boys
Society for Suppressing Idiots
Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Society for the Blind
Society for the Conversion of the Jews
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Society for the Encouragement of Learning
Society for the Encouragement of the Arts and Sciences, Ansbach
Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline
Society for the Oversea Settlement of British Women
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pregnant Women
Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
Society for the Promotion of the Repeal of the Stamp Duties
Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge