Organizations: W
War Injuries Compensation Scheme
War Office
War Pensions Committee
War Planning Secretariat
War Propaganda Bureau
War Refugee Board
War Refugees Committee
War Resisters League
War Resisters' International
War Savings Association
Ward and Downey
Ward Lock Ltd
Ward Theatre
Warehouse Theatre, Croydon
Warneford Hospital
Warner Brothers
Warner Brothers Corset Company
Warren Gallery
Warren's Blacking Factory
Warrington Academy
Warwick Arts Centre
Warwickshire County Record Office
Washington College
Washington Female Seminary
Washington Literary Society
Washington Mutual
Washington Shakespeare Company
Washington State University
Washington University
Watergate Theatre
Waterman Graphics
Watermill Theatre
Watford Palace Theatre
Wattier's Club
Watts and Co.
Watts Gallery
Waugh and Innes
Way and Williams
Wayland High School
Weardale Press
Webb and Bower
Wedgwood Institute, Burslem
Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Welbeck Clinic
Welcome House