Organizations: T
Technical High School, Omaha Nebraska
Tecumseh Press
Teenage Cancer Trust
Telegraph Clearing House Branch
Telegraph School for Women
Temenos Academy of Integral Studies
Temperance Hall
Temperance Hospital of London
Temperance Society
Temple University
Tennyson Society
Territorial Army
Territorial Force Association
Territorial Force Nursing Service
Terry's Theatre
Tethered Camel Publishing
Texas Southern University
Textile Workers' Union
Textlab 2003/2004
Thames and Hudson
Thames Television
Thames Water
Thayer and Eldridge
The Book Club
The City Art Centre
The Congregation of Religious of the Society of the Most Holy Trinity
The Egoist Ltd
The Elbow Room
The English Players
The Fleuron Limited
The Guardian
The Herald
The International Publishing Company
The Los Angeles Central Library
The Mummers
The Negro Ensemble Company
The Neighbours
The Other Place
The People's Gallery
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
The Royal Library, Copenhagen
The Sadies
The Seventies
The Smiths
The Society of Women Musicians
The Swedish Labour Movement's Archive and Library