Organizations: S
Sans Souci Club
Santa Clara University
Santa Fe Railway Company
Sapolio Soap
Sappho Publications
Saptahik Sambad Press
Saqi Books
Sarah Bonnell High School for Girls
Sarah Lawrence College
Sargent House Museum
Sargent-Murray-Gilman-Hough House Association
Sarob Press
Sass's Art School
Saunders and Otley
Save the Children
Save the Children Nursery Schools Committee
Save the German Children
Savile Club
Savill and Edwards
Saville Theatre
Savings Bank Department
Savoy Hotel
Savoy Theatre
Scala Theatre
Scarborough Repertory Theatre
Scatcherd and Whitaker
Sceptre Press
Schiller-Theater, Berlin
Schlesinger Library
Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints
Scholartis Press
Scholastic Press
Schomberg Museum
School Boards
School for Mothers
School of Advanced Study
School of Design
School of Irish Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
School of Pharmacy
School of Social Studies and Training for Social Work
School of the Moravian Fathers
Schools Inquiry Commission
Schools of Design
Schools of Industry