Organizations: I
I Belong International Story Chain
I. Cockshaw, Jr
I. G. Farben
Idaho State Library
Idaho State University
Illinois State University
Imperial Bank of Persia
Imperial Chemical Industries
Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs Service
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Imperial Federation League
Imperial Industries Club
Imperial Institute
Imperial Institute of the Colonies and India
Imperial Legislative Council
Imperial Order of the Crown of India
Imperial Privy Council
Imperial Service Club
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
Imperial Theatre
Imperial University, Tokyo
Imperial War Graves Commission
Imperial War Museum
Imprimerie Darantière
Improved Industrial Dwellings Society
Incorporated Stage Society
Independent Anti-Vivisection League
Independent Church
Independent Commission on International Development
Independent Labour Party
Independent Labour Party Arts Guild
Independent Labour Party Summer School
Independent Methodist Church
Independent Methodists
Independent Order of the Rechabites
Independent Television Authority
Independent Theatre
Independent Theatre Society
Independent Women's Social and Political Union
India Office
India Office Library
India Railway Library
India Society
India's National Academy of Letters