Organizations: H
Head Deaconess Association
Head Start
Headland Poetry Publications
Headland Publications
Headline Review
Health of Munitions Workers Committee
Healthy and Artistic Dress Union
Heath Cranton
Heath Grammar School
Heatherwood Hospital
Heathrow Airport
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hebrew Writers' Association
Heidelberg Ophthalmological Society
Heinemann Educational Books
Helena Club
Helena May Institute
Hell Fire Club
Hell's Angel
Henrietta Bird Memorial Hospital
Henry and Co.
Henry Carey
Henry Drane
Henry Frowde
Henry Herringman
Henry Holt
Henry Jenkins
Henry Miller Theatre
Henry Million
Henry Mozley
Henry Olney
Henry S. King
Henry Woodfall
Henry Wykes
Her Majesty's Stationery Office
Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket
Herbert and Daniel
Herbert Jenkins Limited
Herbert S. Stone and Company
Herdwick Association
Herean Games
Heretics Society
Heriot-Watt University
Heritage Craft Schools and Hospitals for Cripples