Organizations: G

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Georgia College and State University
Georgia Female College
Georgian Papers Programme
Georgian Poetry Society
German 6th Army
German Academic Exchange Service
German Customs Union
German Gallery
German League of Jewish Women
German Navy
Getty Center for the History of Art and Humanities
Gezira Sporting Club
Gielgud Theatre
Gilbert and Dean
Gilbertian Order of Sempringham
Ginling Women's College
Girl Guides
Girl's Life Brigade
Girls Aloud
Girls' Auxiliary
Girls' Friendly Society
Girls' Guild
Girls' Public Day School Trust, Limited
Girton College, Cambridge University
Girton Literary Society
Give and Take Club
Glaisher Press
Glamorganshire Banking Co.
Glasgow Abstinence Society
Glasgow Assembly
Glasgow Bibliographical Society
Glasgow Cotton Spinners Union
Glasgow Council for Women's Trades
Glasgow Hebrew Philanthropic Relief Society
Glasgow Museum and Art Gallery
Glasgow Repertory Theatre Company
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Glasgow School of Art
Glasgow Trades Union Council
Glasgow Tramways Department
Glasgow University Library
Glasgow Women's Library
Glasshouse Press
Global Solidarity for Secular Society
Globe Theatre