University of Western Ontario


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Alice Munro
Alice spent two years studying at the University of Western Ontario working towards a BA. She was living on scholarships which barely covered maintenance, so that she was also working in a library job and...
Employer Margaret Laurence
ML was appointed to a succession of writer-in-residence positions: at the University of Toronto in 1969, at the University of Western Ontario in 1973, and the year after that at Trent University . She returned...
Material Conditions of Writing Alice Munro
Other stories after The Strangers were aired on CBC . As an undergraduate AM published in the University of Western Ontario 's student magazine, Folio, and moved on to wider circulation in the pages...
Occupation Alice Munro
In summer 1973 she taught creative writing at Notre Dame University in Nelson, BC (two hours a day for a small salary plus $70 travel allowance and a three-room apartment). In the following academic year...
Reception Julia Kristeva
In the early twenty-first century JK continues to generate a continuous flow of critical comment. She claims a place in women's international literary history as a creator of paradigms applied to other texts. Heather Ingman


No timeline events available.


Wilmott, Glenn. “Paddled by Pauline”. Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews, Vol.
, No. 46, University of Western Ontario, pp. 43-68.