
Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer May Cannan
MC went to Paris to work in the British War Office department there: in effect, she was soon working for MI5 .
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. “Editorial Materials”. The Tears of War, edited by Charlotte Fyfe, Cavalier Books, 2000, p. Various pages.
Employer Mary Wesley
During the first year of the Second World War MW , like many women, got her first job. She did code-breaking as a civil servant with MI5 , and (like Aphra Behn before her) filed...
Family and Intimate relationships Githa Sowerby
When the Great War broke out GS 's husband rejoined the army and was posted to Ireland to work for the intelligence service, MI5 . He came home briefly in 1917, and permanently in autumn...
politics Doris Lessing
Meanwhile her marriage to Gottfried Lessing , a communist activist and leading figure in the Left Book Club , first attracted the attention of MI5 , which was to follow Doris for twenty years, listening...
politics Sylvia Townsend Warner
Although there was no tradition of political involvement in either of their family backgrounds, STW and Valentine Ackland became politically active because of events in Europe. They were particularly impelled to action by the Reichstag...
politics Rosamond Lehmann
The next day in the Daily Express huge headlines proclaimed: DIPLOMATS—THE SECRET. Known to two people in England and MYSTERY WOMAN 'PHONES MI5.
qtd. in
Lehmann, John. In My Own Time. Little, Brown, 1969.
This woman was overwhelmingly likely to be one of John...
politics Doris Lessing
This group also envisaged for the future a greater degree of racial equality. In the racist language of whites at that time and place DL was described as a kaffir lover. Years later MI5
Textual Features Gillian Slovo
The scrappily emerging stories of how these men ended up in Guantanamo Bay are horrifying in their randomness and confusion. For an audience already familiar with the outlines, details still convey a shock, as when...


1909: A secret intelligence service was formed...

National or international item


A secret intelligence service was formed in Britain in which two branches quickly developed: MI5 , the internal branch (later the Security Service ) and MI6 , the foreign branch (later the Secret Intelligence Service or SIS).
Porter, Bernard. “Other People’s Mail”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 22, 19 Nov. 2009, pp. 15-17.

16 December 1991: The appointment was announced of Stella Rimington...

National or international item

16 December 1991

The appointment was announced of Stella Rimington as the first woman to head the British intelligence agency MI5 .
Williams, Neville et al. Chronology of the 20th Century. Helicon, 1996.


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