Espérance Working Girls' Club


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
The couple had met for the first time at Percy Alden's Canning Town Settlement in 1899, when Emmeline and Mary Neal had brought the Dramatic Society of the Espérance Working Girls' Club to Alden's...
Friends, Associates Constance Lytton
Mary Neal, a leader in the folk-dance revival and joint founder with Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence of the Esperance Club for working girls, invited CL to holiday with herself and some of the girls in autumn...
Occupation Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
Emmeline Pethick (later EPL) left the Working Girls' Club of the West London Mission with her colleague Mary Neal to establish their own settlement: the Espérance Working Girls' Club (or the Espérance Social Guild).
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Brittain, Vera. Pethick-Lawrence: A Portrait. George Allen and Unwin, 1963.
Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline. “Working Girls’ Clubs”. University and Social Settlements, edited by Will Reason, Methuen, 1898.
politics Constance Lytton
In searching for a worthy cause to which to give her money, CL was activated by a feeling that modern improvements like free compulsory education and elected local government bodies had urban roots and were...
Travel Constance Lytton
CL embraced the suffrage cause on meeting Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence and Annie and Jessie Kenney at a holiday for working girls of the Esperance Club, at the Green Lady Hostel in Littlehampton, Sussex.
Lytton, Constance. Prisons and Prisoners. Heinemann, 1914.


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