's step-grandfather paid for her education. It is possible that she attended boarding school while living in England and it is said that she was at Hans Place School
, run by Frances Arabella Rowden
Keane, Maureen. Mrs. S.C. Hall: A Literary Biography. Colin Smythe, 1997.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Rowden
Lady Caroline Lamb
She attended, however, Monsieur de St Quintin
's school
at 22 Hans Place, Chelsea, where she was taught by Frances Arabella Rowden
, who was a writer as well as a teacher.
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Mary Russell Mitford
She spent several years at the boarding school
at 22 Hans Place in Chelsea, run by Monsieur de St Quintin or St Quentin
(who bailed her father out with money in some of his...
Frances Arabella Rowden
then returned to the St Quintin establishment, metamorphosed from a pupil into a Teacher. This was at about the time that St Quintin sold the school to pay his debts, but only to open...
Frances Arabella Rowden
closed her school
at 22 Hans Place, London, and moved to Paris, apparently to rejoin Dominique de St Quintin
, who had settled there with his wife
a couple of years before.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production
Mary Martha Sherwood
Eighteen-year-old Mary Martha Butt (later MMS
) published with the Minerva Press
her first novel, ycleptThe Traditions: A Legendary Tale, intended to help fund Monsieur St Quintin
's new Hans Place School