Commission for Relief in Belgium


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Literary responses Beatrice Harraden
The Times Literary Supplement reviewer, Alice Sedgwick , found BH 's response to the Great War unsettling and some aspects of her book bewildering.
Sedgwick, Alice. “New Novels”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 878, p. 554.
Her detailed analysis of the protagonist, Tamar Scott, found...
Occupation Beatrice Harraden
During the First World War, BH worked for Belgian relief and visited refugee camps under the auspices of the Commission for Relief in Belgium . She also worked as a volunteer (with Elizabeth Robins
Publishing Beatrice Harraden
BH also wrote for the Bedford College Magazine and the Cheltenham Ladies' College Magazine: for the former in 1915 she described her war-work with the Commission for Relief in Belgium . On 17 June...


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