National Women's Register


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Mary Stott
A number of social advances were initiated on MS 's page: the Disablement Incomes Group , which helped to provoke Sir Keith Joseph to introduce a national constant attendance allowance, an association for housebound mothers...
Reception Margaret Forster
In a National Women's Register poll of members to determine the best woman writer of the twentieth century, MF came third with twenty-one votes, just behind Margaret Atwood with twenty-five and just ahead of Enid Blyton
Reception Mary Stott
MS was awarded the OBE in 1975, and was also made a Fellow of Manchester Polytechnic . The Open University gave her an honoray MA in 1991 and De Montfort University in Leicester gave her...


February 1960: A Guardian article by Betty Jerman and a...

Building item

February 1960

A Guardian article by Betty Jerman and a response from Maureen Nicol resulted in the birth of a Liberal-minded Housebound Wives' Register which eventually became the National Women's Register.
NWR: National Women’s Register.


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