
Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Agnes Maule Machar
AMM was a social crusader, interested in temperance, combating poverty, labour issues, Canadian nationalism (or Confederation), and women's rights. She wrote that poverty was a source of women's special inequality in the industrial system.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Cultural formation Frances Ridley Havergal
FRH grew up in a pious Anglican family, and was later deeply religious herself, as evident in her writings. She developed an interest in the Church Missionary Society (as well as its Irish counterpart), the...
Dedications Maude Royden
The convention had been held in Arkansas the same year. MR dedicated the volume to The Young Women's Christian Association s in the United States of America.
Royden, Maude. Women at the World’s Crossroads. Woman’s Press.
Literary Setting Ann Jellicoe
The play, a lively mixture of comedy and absurdism, explores sexual relations within the young bohemian set. Nancy, a seventeen-year-old Northern girl who has just arrived in London, taps on a window to ask directions...
Occupation Angela Brazil
AB remained silent about her brief foray into paid work, as a governess.
Freeman, Gillian. The Schoolgirl Ethic: The Life and Work of Angela Brazil. Allen Lane.
At Bolton Le Moors she began keeping house for her brother Walter. She worked as a conservationist to preserve various monuments...
Occupation Angela Brazil
She also frequented Coventry girls' schools. Benefactions came together with conservation. In 1922 she bought, as a reserve for seagulls and primroses, a stretch of coast and cliffs between Polperro and Talland that was likely...
Occupation Angela Brazil
When much of Coventry was flattened by bombs on 14-15 November 1940, Amy and Angela worked all day clearing up damage at the burnt-out YWCA building.
Freeman, Gillian. The Schoolgirl Ethic: The Life and Work of Angela Brazil. Allen Lane.
Performance of text Una Marson
UM mounted a production of her own play, At What a Price, at the YWCA hostel in Great Russell Street, London, using members of the League of Coloured Peoples as performers.
Jarrett-Macauley, Delia. The Life of Una Marson, 1905-65. Manchester University Press.
Publishing Frances Ridley Havergal
That same year she contributed several articles to publications associated with the Young Women's Christian Association , The Home Friend and Silver Bells. She also published an anonymous tract entitled Such a Blessing....
Textual Features Susan Miles
Religion can hardly be separated here from social issues, particularly those of class and female sexuality. Flora, leaving her sanctuary in the Delmer home, says indignantly that they took her in because they cared about...
Textual Production Maude Royden
The Woman's Press published MR 's Women at the World's Crossroads, a volume of essays given as speeches the seventh national convention of the Young Women's Christian Association s of the USA.
Royden, Maude. Women at the World’s Crossroads. Woman’s Press.
title-page and prelims
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell.


January 1877: A meeting between Emma Robarts and Lady Kinnaird...

Building item

January 1877

A meeting between Emma Robarts and Lady Kinnaird resulted in the decision to merge the Prayer Circles or Unions started by the former with the Nurses' Home organized by the latter; the union became the...

1881: The Young Women's Christian Association in...

Building item


The Young Women's Christian Association in the United States first began classes to train women as typists.

Saturday 19 June 1926: About a hundred thousand participants of...

National or international item

Saturday 19 June 1926

About a hundred thousand participants of the Peacemakers' Pilgrimage (all wearing blue armbands showing the white dove of peace and the word Pax) converged on Hyde Park in London.


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