Community of St Mary the Virgin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Pandita Ramabai
While living with the Anglican sisterhood at Wantage inBerkshire, PR was baptised into the Church ofEngland by William Butler , together with her daughter, Manorama. She took the name Mary Rama.
Blumhofer, Edith L. “From India’s Coral Strand: Pandita Ramabai and U. S. Support for Foreign Missions”. The Foreign Mission Enterprise at Home, edited by Daniel H. Bays and Grant Wacker, University of Alamaba Press, pp. 152-70.
Adhav, Shamsundar Manohar. Pandita Ramabai. Christian Literature Society.
Maiorani, Arianna. “Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922)”. Great Women Travel Writers: From 1750 to the Present, edited by Alba Amoia and Bettina L. Knapp, Continuum, pp. 113-25.
Cultural formation Pandita Ramabai
Once she was established in England, with the Anglican sisterhood at Wantage in Berkshire, PR 's doubts about Hinduism grew, and after her companion Bhagat committed suicide she converted to join the Church of England .
Cultural formation Pandita Ramabai
She herself said that she was convinced of the truth of Christianity and [she] had accepted it.
Adhav, Shamsundar Manohar. Pandita Ramabai. Christian Literature Society.
Nevertheless, scholars do not agree about her motives.
Edith L. Blumhofer believes that she was driven bysincere...
Cultural formation Charlotte Yonge
After her mother's death CY apparently thought of entering a religious Sisterhood. What she did do, within month or two, was to become an Associate of the Sisterhood based at Wantage in Berkshire.
Battiscombe, Georgina, and E. M. Delafield. Charlotte Mary Yonge: The Story of an Uneventful Life. Constable and Company.
Education Pandita Ramabai
Her study of Christianity had already involved her in learning about the Bible and about the English language, under Miss Hurford of the Sisters of St Mary the Virgin . Her intention in travelling to...
Material Conditions of Writing Pandita Ramabai
While among the Sisters of St Mary the Virgin at Wantage in England, PR wrote a letter to the former governor of Bombay, Sir Henry Bartle Edward Frere , entitled The Cry of...
Material Conditions of Writing Pandita Ramabai
Ramabai produced two further short pieces while among the Sisters of St Mary the Virgin at Wantage: An Autobiographical Account, published in September 1883; and Indian Religion, published in the Cheltenham Ladies'...
Residence Pandita Ramabai
PR spent the early part of her time in England (until September 1884) living with the Anglican sisterhood called the Community of St Mary the Virgin at Wantage in Berkshire.
Burton, Antoinette. At the Heart of the Empire. University of California Press.
Maiorani, Arianna. “Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922)”. Great Women Travel Writers: From 1750 to the Present, edited by Alba Amoia and Bettina L. Knapp, Continuum, pp. 113-25.
Wealth and Poverty Pandita Ramabai
Having known destitution in her youth, and having been left with debts by her husband, PR funded her voyage to England by publishing her first book, Stri Dharma Niti, and through the sponsorship of...


1848: An Anglican nursing order, the Community...

Building item


An Anglican nursing order, the Community of St Mary the Virgin , was founded.

Easter 1848: The Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin...

Building item

Easter 1848

The Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin was founded after this festival by William John Butler, with Elizabeth Lockhart as mother superior, in Wantage, Berkshire.

1858: The Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin...

Building item


The Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin was founded in Wymering, Hampshire.


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