

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Rosita Forbes
This was issued through Grayson and Grayson instead of RF 's usual publisher, Cassell .
Publishing Arnold Bennett
The publisher, Cassell , issued a hundred copies on special handmade paper.
British Library Catalogue.
This was not his final work. The following year there appeared a separately-published short story, Venus Rising from the Sea (with illustrations by...
Publishing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
SACD (with the help of scholar Leslie Curnow ) published The History of Spiritualism in two volumes, dedicated to Sir Oliver Lodge . For this book he switched from Hodder and Stoughton to Cassell ...
Textual Production B. M. Croker
BMC kept indefatigably publishing novels: The Pagoda Tree appeared through Cassell in late 1919, and The Chaperon, less than a year later.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
42272 (2 December 1919): 7
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
971 (26 August 1920): 554


No timeline events available.


Ayres, Ruby M. Castles in Spain. Cassell, 1912.
Beaulieu, Edward, Lord Montagu of, and Anthony Bird. Steam Cars 1770-1970. Cassell, 1971.
Bennett, Arnold. Imperial Palace. Cassell, 1930.
Bennett, Arnold. Lord Raingo. Cassell, 1926.
Bennett, Arnold. Riceyman Steps. Cassell, 1923.
Bird, Isabella. Chinese Pictures: Notes on Photographs Made in China. Cassell, 1900.
Bashkirtseva, Maria Konstantinovna. The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff. Translator Blind, Mathilde, Cassell, 1890, 2 vols.
Brooke, Emma Frances. A Superfluous Woman. Cassell, 1894.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Connely, Willard. The True Chesterfield. Manners—Women—Education. Cassell, 1939.
Craig, Isa, and R. E. Galindo. The Little Folks’ History of England. 10th ed., Cassell, 1885.
Croker, B. M. The Chaperon. Cassell, 1920.
Croker, B. M. The House of Rest. Cassell, 1921.
Croker, B. M. The Road to Mandalay. Cassell, 1917, p. viii, 335 pp.
Davis, Rebecca Harding. Cassell, 1887.
De la Pasture, Elizabeth. The Little Squire. Cassell, 1893.
Dell, Ethel M. A Man Under Authority. Cassell, 1925.
Dell, Ethel M. Rosa Mundi. Cassell, 1921.
Dell, Ethel M. Sown among Thorns. Cassell, 1939.
Dell, Ethel M. The Black Knight. Cassell, 1926.
Dell, Ethel M. The Electric Torch. Cassell, 1934.
Dell, Ethel M. The Juice of the Pomegranate. Cassell, 1938.
Dell, Ethel M. The Odds. Cassell, 1922.
Dell, Ethel M. The Prison Wall. Cassell, 1932.