Book Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Reception Evelyn Waugh
This novel was a Book Society choice.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
It brought Waugh hundreds of thousands of new American readers, and, astonishingly to him, fan-mail.
Stovel, Bruce, and Bruce Stovel. “The Genesis of Evelyn Waugh’s Comic Vision. Waugh, Captain Grimes, and <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Decline and Fall</span&gt”;. Jane Austen and Company: Collected Essays, edited by Nora Foster Stovel and Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta Press, pp. 181-0.
In early 1946 Life magazine carried his article entitled Fan-Fare, in...
Reception Rosamond Lehmann
This book received very positive reviews from (among others) Elizabeth Janeway in the New York Times, Elizabeth Bowen in New Republic, Virginia Peterson in the New York Herald Tribune, Simon Raven in...
Reception Dorothy Whipple
A reader at Curtis Brown praised DW 's very shrewd and natural gift of depicting her middle-class characters, while Lord Gorell at John Murray wrote: Much her best work and the former was good.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
Textual Production Lettice Cooper
LC 's Fenny (a Book Society choice, and sometimes called her finest novel), was set in or near Florence during the Second World War and the years just before and after it.
British Book News. British Council.
(1953): 421
Textual Production Laura Riding
This was the first book LR published with the new firm of Arthur Barker in London. She took some trouble to disguise identities, since Barker was worried about potential libel actions. The Book Society backed...
Textual Production Elspeth Huxley
She wrote it in 1946, and revised it in a state of dissatisfaction with her first version. Chatto and Windus were enthusiastic about it and offered her an advance of £150 and a royalty of...


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