Radcliffe Infirmary


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Catherine Carswell
CC died shortly before her sixty-seventh birthday, of pleurisy following pneumonia, in the Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford.
Her son gave the date of her death at 19 March this year.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Todd, Janet, editor. Dictionary of British Women Writers. Routledge, 1989.
Carswell, John, and Catherine Carswell. “Introduction”. Lying Awake: An Unfinished Biography and Other Posthumous Papers, 1st ed., Secker and Warburg, 1950, p. ix - xxi.
Royle, Trevor. The Macmillan Companion to Scottish Literature. Macmillan Reference Books, 1983.
Pilditch, Jan. Catherine Carswell. A Biography. John Donald, 2007.
Employer Mary Renault
During the Second World War she signed up to nurse in a new organisation, the Emergency Medical Service, for which she received a regular state salary. She returned to the Radcliffe Infirmary to work...
Friends, Associates Rhoda Broughton
The sisters were in general popular in Oxford society, but Rhoda, although at first she dined regularly at the table of scholar Benjamin Jowett,
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(29 November 1940): 5
, was then ostracized in some...
Health U. A. Fanthorpe
Her undergraduate career was interrupted by an accident when she was knocked off her bicycle by an army lorry and badly damaged her foot.
Bailey, Rosemarie. “Temperamental Outsider”. The Ship, Vol.
, 2009–2010, pp. 67-8.
She spent three months on her back in the gynae-and-orthopaedic...
Literary responses Mary Renault
English reviews of Purposes were strongly divided. Frank Swinnerton in The Observer judged it to be of very high calibre,
qtd. in
Sweetman, David. Mary Renault: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1993.
while Ralph Strauss in the Sunday Times was severely critical and The Spectator mounted...
Occupation Naomi Mitchison
She later remembered the oppressive rules and regulations (For years afterwards I thought of the boss class in the image of a hospital matron),
Mitchison, Naomi. All Change Here: Girlhood and Marriage. Bodley Head, 1975.
her own initial ignorance (even of how to...
Occupation Ann Oakley
AO was a Wellcome Research Fellow at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, working for the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit.
Oakley, Ann. Taking It like a Woman. Flamingo, 1992.
Kester-Shelton, Pamela, editor. Feminist Writers. St James Press, 1996.
Occupation Carola Oman
During the First World War CO became, first a probationer nurse at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, then a nurse at the front.
Oman, Carola. An Oxford Childhood. Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.
“Obituary: Miss Carola Oman”. Times, 12 June 1978, p. 16.


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