Williams and Norgate


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Lady Margaret Sackville
LMS issued another chapbook-style booklet, Return to Song, and Other Poems, through a small London publisher, Williams and Norgate ; she dedicated it to Maud Baldwin Woodcock .
This work is dated by the...
Textual Production Lucy Walford
LW 's memoir, Recollections of a Scottish Novelist, was published in London by Williams and Norgate .
OCLC WorldCat. http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
458 (20 October 1910): 388
Textual Production Dorothy Wellesley
DW published with Williams and Norgate another volume, entitled Selected Poems, which drew on Poems of Ten Years, Lost Planet, and Desert Wells.
Dated from the Bodleian Library acquisition stamp.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Wellesley, Dorothy. Selected Poems. Williams and Norgate.


No timeline events available.


Adams, Sarah Flower, and Moncure D. Conway. “A Summer Recollection”. Centenary History of the South Place Society based on Four Discourses given in the Chapel in May and June, 1894, Williams and Norgate, 1894.
Blackburn, Helen. Women’s Suffrage. Williams and Norgate, 1902.
Boucherett, Jessie et al., editors. Englishwoman’s Review. Williams and Norgate.
Cobbe, Frances Power. Darwinism in Morals, and Other Essays. Williams and Norgate, 1872.
Cobbe, Frances Power. The Duties of Women. Williams and Norgate, 1881.
Maude, Aylmer. The Authorized Life of Marie C. Stopes. Williams and Norgate, 1924.
Sackville, Lady Margaret. Return to Song, and Other Poems. Williams and Norgate, 1943.
Vynne, Nora et al. Women Under the Factory Act. Williams and Norgate, 1903.
Walford, Lucy. Recollections of a Scottish Novelist. Williams and Norgate, 1910.
Wellesley, Dorothy. Selected Poems. Williams and Norgate, 1949.
Wilmot, Catherine. An Irish Peer on the Continent. Editor Sadleir, Thomas U., Williams and Norgate, 1920.