Mary Poovey

Standard Name: Poovey, Mary


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Florence Nightingale
Though she certainly sought to serve humanity, the fact that her call was ascribed a divine origin helped her to deal with her genteel family's resistance to her desire to become a nurse. At the...
Family and Intimate relationships Caroline Norton
Caroline Sheridan married George Norton at St George's, Hanover Square, London, out of a desire to relieve her mother of the financial burden of continuing to support her.
Several sources, including the Dictionary of...
Fictionalization Florence Nightingale
According to Mary Poovey , other writers compared Nightingale to Christ. In his tributary poem Florence Nightingale; or, The Heroine of the East (1856), John Davies sees FN 's philanthropic work as an imitation of...
Literary responses Caroline Norton
Margaret Forster has written of CN in Significant Sisters, 1984, as have other historians of Victorian feminism. S. Bailey Sharbutt compares her favourably to other popular women novelists of her day and argues for...
Literary responses Charlotte Brontë
Most major shifts in second-wave feminist literary criticism have been marked by influential rereadings of Jane Eyre: Ellen Moers (1976) and Elaine Showalter (1977) in the assertion of a female literary tradition; the Marxist-Feminist Literature Collective
Occupation Florence Nightingale
Arthur Hugh Clough saw her off on her mission, which turned out to last for twenty-one months. The events surrounding her departure are bathed in myth; as Mary Poovey suggests, they supported her mystical election...
Occupation Florence Nightingale
Her official title was Superintendent of the Female Nurses in the Hospitals of the East, but the titles The Lady-in-Chief and The Lady of the Lamp were often applied to her during the war...
Publishing Florence Nightingale
She revised Cassandra many times, most extensively after her return from the Crimea. Its printing in 1860 was private, and it did not appear for public consumption until 1928, when Ray Strachey included part...
Textual Features Florence Nightingale
FN had a long-standing interest in sanitary reform in the British army, but in the case of India her interest spread beyond the army and into the larger population.
Nightingale, Florence. Ever Yours, Florence Nightingale. Editors Vicinus, Martha and Bea Nergaard, Harvard University Press.
Scholar Mary Poovey explains that...
Textual Features Florence Nightingale
The second volume, Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and War (which also appeared in 1858), argues that nurses (who were for the most part working-class women)...
Textual Production Florence Nightingale
Mary Poovey edited FN 's Cassandra and Other Selections From Suggestions For Thought.
British Library Catalogue.


No timeline events available.


Nightingale, Florence. Cassandra and Other Selections from Suggestions for Thought. Editor Poovey, Mary, New York University Press, 1993.
Poovey, Mary, and Florence Nightingale. “Introduction”. Cassandra and Other Selections from Suggestions for Thought, edited by Mary Poovey and Mary Poovey, New York University Press, 1993.
Poovey, Mary. Uneven Developments: The Ideological Work of Gender in Mid-Victorian England. University of Chicago Press, 1988.