Herbert Spencer

Standard Name: Spencer, Herbert


Connections Author name Sort descending Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Constance Naden
Of the three poems named in the overall title, the first two employ ottava rima (rhyming abababcc), and the third a six-line stanza with one fewer ab. A Modern Apostle follows the career of the...
Intertextuality and Influence Constance Naden
CN had meanwhile, three years before Gladstone's essay, given up writing poetry, which she came to see as essentially lightweight. Her friends tended to blame for this the influence of Robert Lewins , who later...
Textual Production Constance Naden
CN presented several papers on evolution and sociology to the sociological section of the Birmingham Natural History Society (devoted to the principles of Herbert Spencer ).
Textual Features Constance Naden
CN argues here that absolute knowledge is impossible because of the unavoidable element of subjectivity.
Hughes, William Richard et al. Constance Naden: A Memoir. Bickers and Son.
Although this sounds as if anything beyond our senses must be essentially unknowable, so that even its existence becomes...
Literary responses Constance Naden
Those returning thanks for complimentary copies included Herbert Spencer , Samuel Smiles (full of profound truth), Charles Lapworth (an education to read), and William Tilden (who politely dissents from Lewins's opinion...
Literary responses Constance Naden
As a philosophic thinker, CN won the admiration not only of Lewins but also of Herbert Spencer —who, however, felt that her early death proved the unsuitability of philosophy for women: the mental powers so...
politics C. E. Plumptre
Plumptre was an Individualist and an admirer of the social and evolutionary philosophy of Herbert Spencer .
Gould, Frederick James. Chats with Pioneers of Modern Thought. Watts.
She favoured social reform, though without any deep understanding of actual social conditions. Regarding her own stance...
Textual Features C. E. Plumptre
CEP opposes against each other the theories of Design and Evolution and explains her reasons for considering it a duty to choose between them. Aligning herself with the latter, she declares the scientific investigation of...
Friends, Associates Olive Schreiner
Bertram was the first Freethinker Schreiner had encountered, and he strongly influenced her life, although she knew him for only three days. He lent her a copy of Herbert Spencer 's First Principles. Spencer's...
Friends, Associates Emily Shirreff
ES 's circle of friends included Sir William Grove (inventor of the Grove battery), scientist Mary Somerville , lawyer and Royal Society president Lord Wrottesley , astronomer Sir George Biddell Airy , Sir John Herschel
Textual Production Emily Shirreff
Some of her other works on education are On the Connection Between the Kindergarten and the School (1880), Home Education in Relation to Kindergarten, Two Lectures (1884), The Kindergarten at Home (1884), and Moral Training:...
Education Beatrice Webb
Beatrice said she was the least favoured of the Potter girls, and had little education. There is disagreement among biographers as to how far she shared her sisters' tuition by resident governesses in a wide...
Cultural formation Beatrice Webb
Beatrice Potter (later BW ) underwent a religious crisis in late adolescence; she experienced a short-lived conversion to traditional Anglican Christianity in 1875. After that she returned to looking for alternatives—Buddhism and other Eastern religions...
Friends, Associates Beatrice Webb
Their closest friends were statesman R. B. Haldane , Labour leader Arthur Henderson , Liberal politician Herbert Samuel , G. B. Shaw , and political psychologist Graham Wallas , the last two both Fabians. They...


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