Marsh's Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Frances Power Cobbe
Her continuing studies, particularly of theology, benefitted from access to Archbishop Marsh's Library in Dublin (though it was ostensibly open only to gentlemen and graduates). Her reading at this period may have included Marian Evans, later George Eliot
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Tighe
MT 's father, the Rev. William Blachford , was Librarian of Marsh's Library in Dublin. He died while Mary was still a baby of seven months.
Tighe, Mary. “Introduction”. Verses Transcribed for H. T., edited by Harriet Kramer Linkin.
Reception Emily Lawless
Many of EL 's papers survive, although they are scattered. The largest collection is at Marsh's Library in Dublin. Collections of her correspondence survive in the Bodleian Library , Oxford, the Hove Central Library
Reception Katherine Philips
KP was never wholly forgotten. Alexander Dyce , anthologizing her in 1825, said her work was impregnated with thought.
Salzman, Paul. “How Alexander Dyce Assembled Specimens of British Poetesses: A Key Moment in the Transmission of Early Modern Women’s Writing”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 88-105.
The late twentieth-century reawakening of interest in KP began with her poems of female friendship...
Textual Production Henrietta Battier
HB 's earliest identified Irish satire, the only one known to precede her collected volume, was An Epistle from Patrick Pindar, to the Hills and the Vallies, and All Whom it May Concern, 1790...


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