, one of the leading lights of the twentieth-century feminist movement in the USA, prided herself on being a proletarian writer. She published very few books: a short-story volume, a novel, a book...
, daughter of a historian, published a single book of poetry in the wake of the First World War. She then turned first to historical novels, then to historical biography, with one book of...
Amelia Opie
, who was publishing at the end of the eighteenth century and during the earlier nineteenth century, is best known as a novelist, but was also a dramatist, poet, and short-story writer. The opinions...
, a best-selling novelist of the early twentieth century, is best-known for The Scarlet Pimpernel, her romance of aristocrats during the French Revolution. This was a play before it was a novel...
Through the mid part of the twentieth century GO
was prominent as a reporter on the social and political scene: he was one of those whose reporting helped to shape opinion and whose accounts now...
Dorothy Osborne
, widely known as a writer of love-letters, has been more admired by romantics than by feminists. She can be a sharply comic and often satirical observer of social custom and individual idiosyncrasy, as...
AO is a contemporary poet, the first to hold the historic position of Professor of Poetry at Oxford University
. Her work includes multimedia and performance poetry.
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Ouida
published 44 volumes of fiction, primarily novels, but also novellas and short stories for both children and adults. Often publishing more than one book a year...
Jane Owen
, a scholarly Roman Catholic of the early seventeenth century, left a single religious work which was published after her death. Her rhetorical style includes elements of the sermon and the dialogue, as well...
Mary Oxlie
was either a northern English or a Scottish poet of the sixteenth century. Only a single poem survives that can be confidently attributed to her, a literary eulogy or friendship poem. It cannot, in...
Helen Oyeyemi
is often considered with other writers known as third-generation Nigerian
Hron, Madelaine. “’Ora Na-Azu Nwa’: The Figure of the Child in Third-Generation Nigerian Novels”. Research in African Literatures, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 July 2008, pp. 27-48.
or more generally with Black British writers. She gained very early acclaim and has been prolific, mainly working in the novel genre (with some...
is a contemporary writer who came late to publishing poetry, after a career as a classical scholar who wrote on Greek literature and feminist theory. She is also a career journalist and reviewer, and...
was a labouring-class Scotswoman who lived partly by entertaining, singing and reciting songs and poems of her own composition. She published a single volume of her work during the early nineteenth century.
Louise Page
is a contemporary feminist playwright who has also made her mark in radio and television drama. Her first play to attract notice, Tissue, tackled the subject of breast cancer, and she has often...
During a six-year period (1809-15) ATP
produced two novels, a biography, and a volume of stories. She specialised in the historical.
Mary Palmer
wrote, in the earlier part of the eighteenth century, some lively dialogues which may be the earliest literary writing to use the local dialect of Devon. They remained unpublished for nearly a hundred...
's early writing career was devoted to advancing the cause of militant suffragism; the second half of her career marked a shift to religious radicalism formed in part by her experience of the first...
's writings, produced during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, range from published political speeches to autobiography. All concern her lifelong struggle for women's emancipation.