Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Standard Name: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm


Connections Author name Sort descending Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Elizabeth Braddon
This story of infidelity features an Italian financier who as a furiously jealous foreigner is compared to Shakespeare's Othello. (At least Provana is not black
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Beyond These Voices. Hutchinson.
comments one character.) There the resemblance ends, for...
Literary responses Kathleen Caffyn
The TLS notice dismissed this novel as a feeble and commonplace story told with bright facility. Its sneering extended to pointing out a mis-spelling of Nietzsche .
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
766 (21 September 1916): 454
Intertextuality and Influence Mona Caird
Critic Patricia Murphy argues that this novel reads like a fictionalized version of Nietzsche 's treatise on the past in Unzeitgemässe betrachtungen (published in 1873, translated into English in 1983), in which he cautions against...
Education Dora Carrington
Carrington began to alter herself in other ways also. During her first term at the Slade she began to go by her surname only.
Hill, Jane, and Michael Holroyd. The Art of Dora Carrington. Herbert Press.
Excitement about her new surroundings and acquaintances prompted her to...
Cultural formation Isak Dinesen
As an adult she rejected Christianity [and] assumed instead a pagan stance derived primarily from Nietzsche ,
Stambaugh, Sara. The Witch and the Goddess in the Stories of Isak Dinesen. UMI Research Press.
elsewhere defined as pantheism or humanitarian heathenism.
Stambaugh, Sara. The Witch and the Goddess in the Stories of Isak Dinesen. UMI Research Press.
She was interested in European witchcraft, especially that...
Education Isak Dinesen
Much of ID 's education was self-administered. She read voraciously whether in Denmark or Africa, and was particularly well grounded in the Danish, other European, and English literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: Spinoza
Intertextuality and Influence George Egerton
In these stories GE examines female sexuality and passion, as well as women's reaction against gender constraints on their freedom, intellect, occupation, and sexuality.
Stetz, Margaret. “Keynotes: A New Woman, Her Publisher, and Her Material”. Studies in the Literary Imagination, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 89-107.
Having discovered Nietzsche in Norway, GE makes references to him...
Textual Features George Egerton
The tone of the last story, The Regeneration of Two, is that of a lecture. This follows the discovery by a rich, bored, unoccupied woman of a life of purpose in social work. A...
Reception George Egerton
GE described these works as little extraordinary word-pictures expressing in parables Nietzsche 's exposition of the Ego theory.
Egerton, George. A Leaf from the Yellow Book. Editor White, Terence de Vere, Richards Press.
She found the translating [d]ifficult, and to me a work of love.
Egerton, George. A Leaf from the Yellow Book. Editor White, Terence de Vere, Richards Press.
The result did...
Education George Egerton
By adulthood, Chavelita Dunne (later GE ) had already gained proficiency in five or six languages, including Swedish.
Mix, Katherine Lyon. A Study in Yellow: <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl="j">The Yellow Book</span> and Its Contributors. Greenwood Press.
She now taught herself Norwegian and read widely among the Scandinavian authors, including Ibsen , August Strindberg
Occupation Florence Farr
The lecture proved quite popular, and Clifford's Inn had to turn people away. Over the following years, FF put on many such readings, performing works by Homer , Shelley , Yeats , Lady Gregory ...
Textual Production Jane Ellen Harrison
JEH had been considering Themis since about 1907, when she felt that recent archaeological, sociological, and other developments rendered her Prolegomena somewhat outdated.
Robinson, Annabel. The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison. Oxford University Press.
Her re-thought principles are heavily influenced by various writings by Nietzsche
Publishing Luce Irigaray
LI published at Paris her philosophical challenge, Amante Marine: de Friedrich Nietzsche. (Gillian C. Gill 's English version followed as Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche, 1991.)
Contemporary Authors and The Johns Hopkins...
Intertextuality and Influence Luce Irigaray
Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche looks at its subject through his relation to the element of water. Its lover (who in the French title is unmistakably female) addresses her subject as you, but switches...
Textual Production Luce Irigaray
Along with her earlier Amante marine (addressed to Friedrich Nietzsche ), a book on Martin Heidegger which appeared in 1983, and a projected fourth book (which was to have linked Marx with the element of...


January 1872: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche published his...

Writing climate item

January 1872

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche published his first major work, Die Geburt der Tragödie (The Birth of Tragedy).

1883: In Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra),...

Writing climate item


In Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra), Friedrich Nietzsche coined his idea of the lastman, as the citizen of a democray, who has, Nietsche thought, abandoned self-mastery and settled for living as a slave.

1886: Friedrich Nietzsche published Jenseits von...

Writing climate item


Friedrich Nietzsche published Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Beyond Good and Evil).

1889: Friedrich Nietzsche published Götzen-Dämmerung...

Writing climate item


Friedrich Nietzsche published Götzen-Dämmerung (Twilight of the Idols).

1895: Friedrich Nietzsche published Der Antichrist...

Writing climate item


Friedrich Nietzsche published Der Antichrist (The Anti-Christ).

1970: The Oxford philosopher Mary Warnock published...

Women writers item


The Oxford philosopher Mary Warnock published Existentialism a study which traces the common interests of a number of philosophers including Sartre , Kierkegaard , Nietzsche , Husserl , and Merleau-Ponty .


Holligdale, Reginald John, and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. “Translator’s Notes”. Twilight of the Idols; and, The Anti-Christ, Penguin, 1990, pp. 25-7.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Michael Tanner. Twilight of the Idols; and, The Anti-Christ. Translator Holligdale, Reginald John, Penguin, 1990.