Elaine Showalter
brought SG
to the attention of late-twentieth-century New Woman and feminist criticism in A Literature of Their Own, 1977, where she discussed The Heavenly Twins and The Beth Book.
Mangum, Teresa. Married, Middlebrow, and Militant: Sarah Grand and the New Woman Novel. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Literary responses
Constance Naden
Recently her writing has been included in Victorian Women Poets: an Anthology, edited by Margaret Reynolds
and Angela Leighton
, 1995; in Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology, edited by Isobel Armstrong
Literary responses
Rhoda Broughton
Reviews of Dear Faustina were generally positive, while mostly condemning the character of Faustina. The Spectator said she inspires distrust at the outset, and distrust soon deepens into downright repugnance, and saw her as a...
Textual Features
Mona Caird
Critic Patricia Murphy
argues that this novel reads like a fictionalized version of Nietzsche
's treatise on the past in Unzeitgemässe betrachtungen (published in 1873, translated into English in 1983), in which he cautions against...
Textual Production
Mona Caird
The anonymous novel Lady Hetty, A Story of Scottish and Australian Life, is attributed to MC
by the British Library Catalogue and by critic Patricia Murphy
, but seems to be actually by John Service
No timeline events available.
Murphy, Patricia. “Disdained and Disempowered: The "Inverted" New Woman in Rhoda Broughtons Dear Faustina”. Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature, Vol.
, No. 1, 2000, pp. 57-79.
Murphy, Patricia. Time is of the Essence. SUNY Press, 2001.