Robert Conquest

Standard Name: Conquest, Robert


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Literary responses Elizabeth Jennings
She held bursaries or grants from the Arts Council (after the initial one for her first book) in 1965, 1968, and 1972.
“Lauinger Library: Special Collections Division”. Georgetown University Library.
Some critics disparage EJ 's work along lines effectively summarized by Robert Crawford
Reception Elizabeth Jennings
In the Times Literary SupplementPeter Redgrove welcomed EJ as a good rather than a great poet, lyrical, metaphysical, and psychologically penetrating, a very accomplished writer of short pieces.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
2705 (4 December 1953): 778
Textual Production Penelope Shuttle
The first book that affected PS deeply was Brontë 's Jane Eyre, with whose protagonist she identified.
Steffens, Daneet. “Penelope Shuttle”. Mslexia, No. 33, pp. 46-8.
At fifteen she read T. S. Eliot and Emily Dickinson and conceived a wish to be...


14 January 1956: D. J. Enright's anthology Poets of the 1950s...

Writing climate item

14 January 1956

D. J. Enright 's anthologyPoets of the 1950s brought together work by eight poets generally taken to be leading voices in the recently-catagorized, modern but anti-modernist Movement.

By mid-July 1956: Robert Conquest edited a poetry anthology...

Writing climate item

By mid-July 1956

Robert Conquest edited a poetryanthology entitled New Lines; it put forward the work of a group of young poets who were beginning to be called the Movement.


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