Patricia Duncker

Standard Name: Duncker, Patricia


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Education Gillian Allnutt
Newnham, established in 1871 as a house in which young women could reside while attending lectures in Cambridge, was in 1971 one of the university's only three all-female colleges. (Since then Girton has begun to...
Friends, Associates Anna Livia
Anna Livia was also part of a very vibrant
Anna Livia, and Kathryn Holland. Email about Orlando documents to Kathryn Holland. 21 July 2003.
community of writers in London: she was a friend of Patricia Duncker, Ellen Galford, Gillian Hanscombe, Suniti Namjoshi, and Anna Wilson
Textual Production Anna Livia
Anna Livia and Lilian Mohin edited The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Other contributors include Patricia Duncker, Gillian Hanscombe, Suniti Namjoshi, and Maud Sulter.
Anna Livia, and Lilian Mohin, editors. The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Onlywomen Press, 1989.


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