Maud Sulter

Standard Name: Sulter, Maud
Birth Name: Maud Sulter
MS was a Black British poet, journalist, artist and political activist; she often produced visual and written works in linked pairs. In her poetry, her photographs, her artworks, and her essays, novel, and play, she continued to challenge imprisoning labels of colour and gender, to celebrate love and desire, and to expose oppressions which are perpetrated in private. As critic Lucinda Roy comments, in Sulter's work the Body Personal is not a thing distinct from the Body Politic.
Roy, Lucinda. “The Search for the Body Personal”. Callaloo, Vol.
, No. 3, John Hopkins University Press, 1 June 1990– 2025, pp. 551-5.
Her poetry and prose appeared in many journals and anthologies, and she gave numerous readings and seminars internationally.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Charles Baudelaire
In 1842 he began a relationship with the mixed-race actress Jeanne Duval (who a century and a half later was transformed into the narrator of Angela Carter 's title story in her Black Venus...
Literary responses Joan Riley
Some Black British commentators, like Maud Sulter , felt JR 's tone was too pessimistic. This response was reported, though not endorsed, by Prabhu Guptara in Black British Literature: An Annotated Bibliography (1986). As a...
Textual Production Anna Livia
Anna Livia and Lilian Mohin edited The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Other contributors include Patricia Duncker , Gillian Hanscombe , Suniti Namjoshi , and Maud Sulter .
Anna Livia, and Lilian Mohin, editors. The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Onlywomen Press, 1989.


No timeline events available.


Sulter, Maud. As a Blackwoman. Akira Press, 1985.
Sulter, Maud. As a Blackwoman. Urban Fox Press, 1989.
Sulter, Maud. “Biographical Sketch and Poems”. Dream State: The New Scottish Poets, edited by Daniel O’Rourke, Polygon, 1994, pp. 127-32.
Sulter, Maud. “Black Codes: The Misrepresentation of Blacklesbians in Film”. An Intimacy of Equals: Lesbian Feminist Ethics, edited by Lilian Mohin, Onlywomen Press, 1996, pp. 78-85.
Sulter, Maud. “Blackwomansong”. The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction, edited by Anna Livia and Lilian Mohin, Onlywomen Press, 1989, pp. 193-7.
Sulter, Maud. Calabash of Dreams. Urban Fox Press, 1990.
Sulter, Maud. Echo. Tate Gallery Publications, 1991.
Sulter, Maud. “Everywoman’s Right, Nobody’s Victory”. Through the Break, edited by Pearlie McNeill et al., Sheba Feminist Publishers, 1986, pp. 153-61.
Sulter, Maud. “Feathered Wombs”. London Review of Books.
Sulter, Maud. Jeanne Duval. National Galleries of Scotland, 2003.
Sulter, Maud. “Jeanne Duval”. National Galleries of Scotland: Exhibitions: Past Exhibitions.
Sulter, Maud. “Maud Sulter”. The Thin Black Line, edited by Lubaina Himid, Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1985.
Sulter, Maud. Necropolis. Urban Fox Press, 1990.
Sulter, Maud. “Notes of a Native Daughter”. Let It Be Told, edited by Lauretta Ngcobo, Pluto, 1987, pp. 53-67.
Pollard, Ingrid. Passion. Editor Sulter, Maud, Urban Fox Press, 1990.
Sulter, Maud. Sekhmet. Cultural Services, 2005.
Sulter, Maud. Service to Empire. A19 Press, 2002.
Sulter, Maud. “The Nature of Photography: Black Notes from the Underground”. Feminist Art News, Vol.
, No. 2, 1989, pp. 12-14.
Sulter, Maud. Unrequited. A19 Press, 2003.
Sulter, Maud. “Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues”. Charting the Journey, edited by Shabnam Grewal et al., Sheba Feminist Publishers, 1988, pp. 100-10.
Sulter, Maud. Zabat. Urban Fox, 1989.