In about 1822 HW
composed a work she called Sketches in the Round Room at the Opera House (a kind of dry run for her Memoirs), which depicts her former lovers under disguised names:...
Germaine de Staël
had researched in Germany on her visit of 1803. By the time she reached London and was able to arrange publication, Germany was under French (i.e. Napoleon's) military occupation. John Murray
paid her 1,500...
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. “Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (1780-1872)”. Women of Mathematics: A Biobiliographic Sourcebook, edited by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell, Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 208-16.
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840. Martinus Nijhoff, 1983.
Harriet Lee
This tale reached its fifth edition independently of the other Tales in 1823, when it appeared as a kind of trailer to John Murray
's projected edition of the whole series. Byron
recognised Kruitzner as...
Textual Production
Mary Somerville
John Murray
of London published Mechanism of the Heavens, MS
's popular rendering of Pierre Simon Laplace
's seminal astronomical text Méchanique Céleste.
An e-text of this book, with an appendix of some...
Textual Production
Lady Caroline Lamb
According to her own account, LCL
wrote her notorious novel Glenarvon and sent it to press within one month, while articles of separation were being drawn up by her husband following her act of violence...
Textual Production
Mary Shelley
For her part she offered Godwin information about European countries for his novels, pointed him to useful books which she had reviewed, and provided him with a spark when he had writer's block. She offered...
based her travel writings on diaries written at the time. When Rosamund Brunel Gotch
published her biography in 1937, the manuscripts of MC
's early journals had only recently come to light. Gotch printed...
Elizabeth Rigby
Her friend and publisher, the elder John Murray
, had died the previous year.
Lochhead, Marion C. Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake. John Murray, 1961.