George Whitehead

Standard Name: Whitehead, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Anne Whitehead
AW died in her mid sixties; her second husband survived her by thirty-seven years.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Whitehead
Anne Greenwell made her second marriage, to George Whitehead , a grocer, legal expert, and veteran of prison, about twelve years her junior, who was known for his defences of Friends both in court and...
Friends, Associates Rebecca Travers
She must have been a close personal friend of her co-religionist Joan Whitrow and her family, for when Joan's daughter Susannah was dying in 1677 she asked for Rebecca, that dear Friend . ....
Friends, Associates Anne Conway
AC corresponded with and was visited by many leading members of the Society of Friends , among them Keith , Robert Barclay , Anne and George Whitehead , Isaac Penington , William Penn , and...
Literary responses Anne Whitehead
AW 's husband, George , marked her death with Piety Promoted by Faithfulness, manifested by several testimonies concerning that true servant of God Ann Whitehead, a volume of writings by about twenty-five people.
Textual Production Elizabeth Bathurst
Some people would not believe that this learned book was of [EB 's] own Indicting,because of the meanness or weakness of her Person, but George Whitehead (widower of Anne Whitehead ) testified that...
Textual Production Margaret Fell
It was printed by J. Sowle , with testimonies from others about MF , as A Brief Collection of Remarkable Passages and Occurrences relating to the birth, education, life, etc. of that ancient, eminent, and...


No timeline events available.


Whitehead, George, editor. Piety Promoted by Faithfulness. 1686.