's daughter Susannah
, aged about fifteen, went down with the illness of which some days later she died.
Whitrow, Joan et al. The Work of God in a Dying Maid.
Family and Intimate relationships
Joan Whitrow
Joan's daughter, Susannah
, was born about 1662, and in youth attended the local Anglican
church, which later, after becoming a Quaker
, she came to regard as that abominable House, where they commit their...
Friends, Associates
Rebecca Travers
She must have been a close personal friend of her co-religionist Joan Whitrow
and her family, for when Joan's daughter Susannah
was dying in 1677 she asked for Rebecca, that dear Friend . ....
Joan Whitrow
Once in print, however, The Work of God in a Dying Maid did well. It was reprinted at Dublin in 1797, and at Philadelphia the following year it was included in a collection entitled An...
Textual Production
Rebecca Travers
In 1677 RT
contributed a preface to Joan Whitrow
's The Work of God in a Dying Maid, about the pious death of Whitrow's daughter Susannah
. This testimony took its place alongside others...