Robert Nye

Standard Name: Nye, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Elaine Feinstein
This novel won the Daisy Miller Prize.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
It met with a very warm reception from reviewers, though some references to its being the work of a poet were ambivalent. Robert Nye in The Guardian called...
Literary responses Julia O'Faolain
This novel was short-listed for the Booker Prize. Hermione Lee praised it in the Observer for presenting the inter-relationship between family and national history, while Robert Nye in the Guardian called it one of the...
Reception Laura Riding
This broadcast brought a notable poetic response. Sylvia Plath wrote a poem, Little Fugue, which she annotated, on listening to Laura Riding.
Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books.
Robert Nye soon afterwards sent a copy of his first publication...
Reception Penelope Shuttle
The year after this PS shared the £6,000 Cholmondeley Award with Judith Kazantzis and Robert Nye (getting £2,000 each).
Reception Eva Figes
Reviewers praised the book, though some, like Monica Foot in Books and Bookmen, noted its difficulty. Foot called it memorable, finely and powerfully written. The Times Literary Supplement praised its tight structure and biting...
Textual Production Laura Riding
The year after LR 's death, posthumous publication of her work began with First Awakenings: The Early Poems of Laura Riding, edited by Elizabeth Friedmann , Alan J. Clark , and Robert Nye .
Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books.


No timeline events available.


Riding, Laura. First Awakenings. Editors Friedmann, Elizabeth et al., Persea Books, 1992.
Jennings, Elizabeth et al. “Letter to the Editor: Human Image Debased”. Times, p. 13.